Why Squatting has become Impossible (6 reasons)

Is the squat impossible for you, or does it seem impossible to make progress on your squat? Starting Strength Coach Phil Meggers gives 6 possible reasons why as well as how to address them.

Whenever you want even more Testify in your life, here are some free resources:

  • Book a free intro and strategy session with us HERE.

  • Pick up a free copy of Testify’s Squat Guide: 12 Tips to Improve Your Squat Now HERE.

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At Testify, we offer small group training, private coaching (in-person or remotely via Zoom), online coaching, and form checks. Interested in getting stronger, looking better, and having more energy?

The Testify Gazette - February 17, 2025


From our video Why is EVERYONE Failing Their Deadlifts? (WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON?) (click the title to watch):

2:16 I occasionally video myself on deadlifts to check my form and noticed that my supinated side does sometimes swing out like you mentioned in the video. Do you have any tips on how to correct this?

I’d recommend reading the article below, which was written by fellow Starting Strength Coach Mia Inman:

An Examination of Control of the Supine Hand in a Heavy Deadlift

She provides an excellent analysis for some of the reasons why this happens (as it’s multifactorial), and she provides some cues to potentially help with this issue (specifically – check the drawing with accompanying cues at the very end of the article).

It’s not a light read, but it’s a good one. In the meantime, you can cue yourself to pull the thumb of the supinated hand back.


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Why is EVERYONE Failing Their Deadlifts? (WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON?)
A lot of people are failing their deadlifts for a reason that's completely and easily preventable. Phil explains and demonstrates. Click here to watch.


The Best Way to Warm Up for Lifting (do not do this...)
Want to warm up efficiently for lifting? Make sure you're not making this mistake. Click here to read.


Blast from the Past: Leg Drive in the Bench Press | Get a Bigger Bench
Forgetting to use your legs when you bench or just not sure how? In this video - our 4th in a series of Saturday Shorts on fixing the bench - Phil quickly discusses and demonstrates how to drive with your legs when benching. Click here to watch.


Blast from the Past: Fix Your Press - Part 3: TWO Ways to Fix Your Stance
We cover two easy fixes for your stance when performing the press. Click here to read.


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And, it gets better - you can choose your beanie from EIGHT different colors!

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Below is one of our upcoming events, and you can find out what else is on the calendar by heading to our events page at www.testifysc.com/events.

Testify Strengthlifting Challenge

  • April 12, 2025

  • The annual Testify Strengthlifting Challenge is back, and we invite you to be a part of it! This is a strengthlifting meet, which means the contested lifts will be the squat, press, and deadlift.

  • Click here to register or for more information.


Option 1
10-20 x 25 yds EMOM at a weight of your choice

Every minute, push the sled 25 yards, i.e., if pushing the sled takes 20 seconds, then you have 40 seconds to rest. Perform 10-20 rounds.

10-20 x 100 ft EMOM at a weight of your choice

Every minute, push the sled 100 feet, i.e., if pushing the sled takes 20 seconds, then you have 40 seconds to rest. Perform 10-20 rounds.

Compare to 2024.12.16.

Option 2
4 x 800m

Rest 3 minutes between each round. Score = slowest time.

Compare to 2024.11.25.

Option 3
1. 5 x 50 ft seated sled pull. Add weight each round. Rest as needed.
2. 5 x 100 ft duck walk. Add weight each round. Rest as needed.

Compare to 2024.10.28.

Option 4
4 rounds:
50 yd farmer carry
80 m sled drag
Rest 2 min

4 rounds:
100 ft farmer carry
100 ft sled drag
Rest 2 min

Compare to 2024.10.28.

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better!

Whenever you want even more Testify in your life, here are some free resources:

  • Book a free intro and strategy session with us HERE.

  • Pick up a free copy of Testify’s Squat Guide: 12 Tips to Improve Your Squat Now HERE.

  • Get our free weekly email - containing useful videos, articles, and training tips - HERE.

  • Follow Testify on Instagram HERE.

  • Subscribe to Testify’s YouTube channel HERE.

The Best Way to Warm Up for Lifting (do not do this...)

Never use 2.5 lb plates . . .

Specifically, never use 2.5 lb plates in your warm-ups . . . mostly . . . kind of.

using 2.5 lb plates in your warm-up? Let’s not be crazy here, folks.

Some elaboration is warranted here, but we’ll keep this short and quick.

The Three Criteria for a Good Warm-up
Remember that there are three criteria for a good warm-up. First, the warm-up needs to prepare you for your work sets, so the weight needs to get heavier throughout the warm-up, and this will typically be done in roughly equal increments.

Second, the warm-up should not exhaust you by the time you get to your work weight, so you’re typically going to taper your warm-up reps from one set to the next. Once you’ve put weight on the bar, something like 5-3-2-1 works pretty well as you’ll see in the example below (with 225 lb as the work weight):

45 lb x 5 x 2 (empty barbell)
95 lb x 5
135 lb x 3
185 lb x 2
205 lb x 1
225 lb x 5 x 3 (work sets)

Could Julie do 90b for a warm-up? sure, but it takes two 10 lb plates and one 2.5 lb plate per side. 95 lb (i.e., one 25 lb plate per side) is far simpler.

Third - and this is what we’re talking about today with the absence of 2.5 lb plates - the warm-up should bow to convenience whenever it’s possible and reasonable to do so. It’s very convenient to choose your warm-up weights so that they end with the number five, e.g., 85 lb, 95 lb, 105 lb, etc., and if you do this, you don’t need to use 2.5 lb plates when warming up (if you use 2.5 lb plates, your weight selection will end with a zero such as 90 lb, 100 lb, 110 lb, etc.).

“Are You Sure This is OK?”
This works well because, in general, you don’t need to be nitpicky with your warm-up weight selections, and by avoiding 2.5 lb plates, we’ve now simplified the process by reasonably reducing the options we choose from when warming up.

Two Exceptions
This is a general recommendation, and as such, there are some exceptions.

First, you might want to be slightly more picky with your last warm-up set, and if that’s the case, you might choose to use 2.5 lb plates so that your last warm-up weight can end with a zero.

Second, if your work weight is less than 100 lb, you might need to use 2.5 lb plates in some of your warm-ups. For example, if you’re pressing 87.5 lb for the work weight, your warm-up might contain some weights ending in the number zero such as 70 lb or 80 lb, and you’ll need 2.5 lb plates to load those weights. However, if your work weight is 100 lb or more, most or all of your warm-up weights can end with a five, and thus you can skip the 2.5 lb plates.

Keep it simple, ditch the 2.5 lb plates in your warm-ups (with an exception here and there), and as always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better . . . and train more efficiently.


PS: Whenever you want even more Testify in your life, here are some free resources:

  • Book a free intro and strategy session with us HERE.

  • Pick up a free copy of Testify’s Squat Guide: 12 Tips to Improve Your Squat Now HERE.

  • Get our free weekly email - containing useful videos, articles, and training tips - HERE.

  • Follow Testify on Instagram HERE.

  • Subscribe to Testify’s YouTube channel HERE.

(Some links may be affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, Testify earns from qualifying purchases.)

At Testify, we offer small group training, private coaching (in-person or remotely via Zoom), online coaching, and form checks. Interested in getting stronger, looking better, and having more energy?

Leg Drive in the Bench Press | Get a Bigger Bench

Forgetting to use your legs when you bench or just not sure how? In this video - our 4th in a series of Saturday Shorts on fixing the bench - Starting Strength Coach Phil Meggers quickly discusses and demonstrates how to drive with your legs when benching.

(A Blast from the Past video originally published on 10/15/22)

Whenever you want even more Testify in your life, here are some free resources:

  • Book a free intro and strategy session with us HERE.

  • Pick up a free copy of Testify’s Squat Guide: 12 Tips to Improve Your Squat Now HERE.

  • Get our free weekly email - containing useful videos, articles, and training tips - HERE.

  • Follow Testify on Instagram HERE.

  • Subscribe to Testify’s YouTube channel HERE.

At Testify, we offer small group training, private coaching (in-person or remotely via Zoom), online coaching, and form checks. Interested in getting stronger, looking better, and having more energy?

Fix Your Press - Part 3: TWO Ways to Fix Your Stance

(A Blast from the Past article originally posted on 02/10/23)

This is the third article in our series on helping you improve your press. Today’s topic - the correct stance. In this article, you’ll also find a couple of videos related to this issue.

Since the press is performed while standing, the stance is rather important, so let’s quickly fix two aspects of your stance.

First, when you unrack the barbell to start pressing, take two small steps back from the rack. There is no need to back up a long way from the rack, and indeed, it’s a waste of energy to do so. “Two half steps” is a solid way to think of the situation - a half step with the right foot, then a half step with the left foot - and you’re good to go. Stay close to the rack, and watch the included video (“Fix Your Stance…”) for a quick demonstration.

Second, take a relatively wide stance when pressing, and in fact, your squat stance serves pretty well for a pressing stance. If you’d like to go a bit wider than your squat stance, that’s fine too, but don’t take a narrow stance - again, watch the video above for a demonstration of what to do as well as what not to do. Remember, the press already starts a long way from your balance point (i.e., the middle of your foot), and it finishes even further from the balance point (i.e., up over your head), and as a result, the press is very susceptible to deviations in the bar path. It behaves almost like an Olympic lift (i.e., the snatch or clean-and-jerk) in this respect, and indeed, the press actually used to be part of Olympic weightlifting.

Because it’s so sensitive to bar path deviations, taking a wider stance (as compared to a narrower one) gives you a more stable base from which to press. Full disclosure - the wider stance doesn’t do a lot to help with front-to-back balance, but it at least helps eliminate any side-to-side balance issues, and every little bit helps in the press.

The toe angle of the stance is not as big of a deal as the width of the stance - again, your squat stance will serve pretty well. Some lifters will point their toes out a bit more than that as this can help reduce the likelihood of knee bend in the press, and this is fine. However, it’s a game of trade-offs here - remember that if you point your toes much further out than you do in your squat stance, you’ve started to effectively shorten the length of your feet from front-to-back, and this can negatively affect your balance.

In summary, stay close to the rack, and take a relatively wide stance. As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better.


PS: Whenever you want even more Testify in your life, here are some free resources:

  • Book a free intro and strategy session with us HERE.

  • Pick up a free copy of Testify’s Squat Guide: 12 Tips to Improve Your Squat Now HERE.

  • Get our free weekly email - containing useful videos, articles, and training tips - HERE.

  • Follow Testify on Instagram HERE.

  • Subscribe to Testify’s YouTube channel HERE.

(Some links may be affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, Testify earns from qualifying purchases.)

At Testify, we offer small group training, private coaching (in-person or remotely via Zoom), online coaching, and form checks. Interested in getting stronger, looking better, and having more energy?

Why is EVERYONE Failing Their Deadlifts? (WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON?)

A lot of people are failing their deadlifts for a reason that's completely and easily preventable. Starting Strength Coach Phil Meggers explains and demonstrates.

Whenever you want even more Testify in your life, here are some free resources:

  • Book a free intro and strategy session with us HERE.

  • Pick up a free copy of Testify’s Squat Guide: 12 Tips to Improve Your Squat Now HERE.

  • Get our free weekly email - containing useful videos, articles, and training tips - HERE.

  • Follow Testify on Instagram HERE.

  • Subscribe to Testify’s YouTube channel HERE.

At Testify, we offer small group training, private coaching (in-person or remotely via Zoom), online coaching, and form checks. Interested in getting stronger, looking better, and having more energy?