NEVER Make This Belt Mistake Again! (fast fix)
/Don’t make this mistake with your belt. For that matter, don’t make this mistake with your wrist wraps, either.
What error is this, you say? We’re talking about the simple mistake of forgetting to use your belt or your wrist wraps when training.
You might be thinking to yourself, “Self, how could I possibly forget my exquisitely crafted lifting belt or my amazing wrist wraps?” And yet, if it hasn’t happened to you already, rest assured - it will. At some point, you’ll finish a set (either a work set or a heavy warm-up set), you’ll sit down, and you’ll think, “Man, that was much harder than I expected it to be!”
Then, you’ll glance around and realize, “Oh. There’s my belt - I forgot to wear it.”
With this in mind, how can you make sure that you remember your belt (or your wraps) for your next set?
You’ll never forget your belt and wraps again.
The solution is extraordinarily simple - when you complete a set, remove your belt as usual and hang it right over your barbell. You can do the same with your wrist wraps as well. The next time you approach the bar to lift, you won’t forget to use your belt and wraps since you’ll see them as you approach the bar, and you’ll have to move them out of the way to use the bar.
It’s a simple, effective, and efficient tactic, and as always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better.
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Wraps and Straps and Gloves, Oh My!
/(A Blast from the Past article originally posted on 09/30/22)
You’re a lifter, so of course, you’ve got to accessorize. But with all the options for lifting gear and accessories out there, what’s useful and what’s garbage? This article is the first in a short series covering exactly that, and today’s topic is gear associated with your grip.
Lifting Straps
Also known simply as “straps” or sometimes “wrist straps” (which is inaccurate), straps are useful for pulling movements, such as deadlifts, rows, and even snatches. Do NOT use them for cleans, and it’s worth pointing out they are actually worn on the hand and not the wrist itself.
They save some wear and tear on the hands, and if you’ve got multiple sets on the deadlift, then a reasonable approach is to use your usual grip for the first set (hook grip or alternate grip) and then use straps for the remaining sets.
You can buy straps or make them (quite cheaply!), and we’ve got a few videos covering how to make them as well as use them.
Wrist Wraps
These are useful for pressing movements such as the press, bench press, close grip bench press, etc. Wrist wraps provide stability for the wrist by acting as a sort of belt or cast for the wrist. When the weights get challenging, a good approach is to warm up (mostly) without wrist wraps and then put your wraps on (tightly!) for your last warm up as well as your work sets.
Not surprisingly, we have a few videos covering this topic as well.
Nope. Don’t use ‘em. They add something squishy and deformable between your hand and the bar, which is never good for force transfer. Also, because they add a layer between your hand and the bar, they effectively make the bar diameter larger, which makes it harder to keep your grip when pulling the bar off the floor with deadlifts, rows, etc.
Lifting gloves are stupid. I know this firsthand because I have worn them in a previous life. Don’t use them.
Ahem, we do not have a video on this topic.
We’ll save this discussion for another day, but suffice to say chalk is very important for your grip. Use chalk.
As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better.
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I Forgot My Belt! (Simple Lifting Trick)
/(A Blast from the Past article originally posted on 01/08/20)
Do you ever forget to put your belt on for your heavier sets? Perhaps you forget to wear your wrist wraps every once in a while?
Problem solved
These types of situations tend to occur more often when you’re a newer lifter, but even an experienced lifter can forget a belt or wrist wraps every now and then.
If you find yourself in one of the above situations from time to time, try this: hang your belt and wrist wraps on your barbell between sets.
By doing so, you’ll be forced to grab them before starting your next set, and the problem is solved. The next time you lift, give it a try. Hope this helps!
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At Testify, we offer small group training, private coaching (in-person or remotely via Zoom), online coaching, and form checks. Would you like to get quality coaching from a Starting Strength Coach?
WRIST WRAPS: The Complete Guide and How NOT to Put Them On! (Lifting Gear Series)
/Wrist wraps - what are they, why you’d want to use them, where to find them, what to look for when you’re shopping, how to use them, and perhaps most importantly - how not to use them. Be sure to check out the included videos as they also cover some additional material (and a shortcut or two) not included in this article.
This is the fourth article in our “Lifting Gear” series, so be sure to check back in the coming weeks for future articles in the series. Click below to read the previous articles in the series:
Lifting Gear: What to Wear and What NOT to Wear!
Lifting Belts: The Complete Guide and What NOT to Get!
Knee Sleeves: The Complete Guide and the BEST Way to Put Them On
What is a Wrist Wrap?
Not surprisingly, a wrist wrap is a wrap that goes around your wrist. Brilliant, I know. Common lengths include 18” and 24”, and while you can find longer versions, these are probably the two most common lengths.
Figure 1: BAsic design of a wrist wrap (from left to right) - thumb loop, elastic body (including soft velcro portion), and velcro tab (i.e., the rough velcro “hook”).
The typical design (Figure 1) includes a thumb loop at one end, the elastic body of the wrap, and then a velcro closure system at the other end of the wrap.
Why Would You Want to Use Wrist Wraps?
A wrist wrap provides support for your wrist. It lends a measure of bracing to the wrist and acts as a kind of exoskeleton or belt for the wrist, which is very useful when your wrist is under compression as in a heavy press or bench press.
This bracing helps your wrist remain relatively straight and stay out of extreme extension (i.e., a very bent-back wrist position), a position that is inefficient for force transfer. As a result, the proper use of a wrist wrap helps you lift more efficiently.
Where Do You Get Wrist Wraps?
You can often find a few decent pairs at local sporting goods stores, but I generally recommend shopping for wrist wraps online as this allows you to select from a much wider range of wraps. Amazon, Rogue Fitness, and other online retailers provide a host of options, and many reputable manufacturers (e.g., Pioneer Fitness, Stoic, and SBD) sell directly from their websites as well, so that’s another option.
figure 2: 18” wraps from Harbinger (these are the wraps i use)
What to Get
We’ll provide a couple of reasonable options below, but for starters, I recommend either 18”-long wraps or 24”-long wraps. You can find 36” options, but most people will find wraps of this length to be rather unwieldy. Don’t get any wraps that are less than 18” long as such wraps provide very little support.
An 18” wrap is a good all-around option suitable for pressing, benching, and squatting (if you need to put your wrists in extension), and it can also be useful for the Olympic lifts, i.e., the snatch and clean-and-jerk.
figure 3: 24” wraps from pioneer
A 24” wrap is useful for pressing, benching, and squatting, but due to the added support and stiffness provided by the additional length of such a wrap, a 24” wrap is typically not as well suited to the Olympic lifts, where the wrists need to remain pretty mobile.
Some manufacturers provide different levels of stiffness (e.g., SBD) for their wraps, so be sure you read the product description completely before you purchase.
Below are a few solid options:
Harbinger - 18” (these are what I have)
Rogue - 18”
Stoic - 24” (also available in 36”)
Pioneer - 24” and 36”
Which Lifts Benefit From Wrist Wraps?
A wrist wrap can be useful any time your wrist is supporting a load in compression, i.e., whenever you are pushing on something. As a result, pressing and benching benefit from the use of wraps as the weights get heavier.
The snatch and jerk may both benefit from the use of wraps as both receiving positions involve supporting a heavy load overhead with the wrists in compression. However, note that although the jerk may benefit from wrist wraps, the clean - which immediately precedes the jerk - requires quite a bit of flexibility in the wrist to rack the bar on the shoulders. As a result, if you wear wraps for the clean-and-jerk, you may need to experiment with how tightly (and possibly where on your wrist) you wear the wraps so you can find a middle ground that provides support in the jerk while still allowing for mobility in the clean.
Of course, you’re welcome to use wrist wraps on lifts involving tension such as a row or a chin-up, but they won’t provide any benefit in these situations.
When Do You Wear Wrist Wraps?
Keep it simple. For starters, I recommend treating wrist wraps like your belt - put the wraps on for your last warm-up set, and then wear them for your work sets as well. Over time, you’ll figure out exactly when you want to start wearing them, and if you have a wrist that is a bit aggravated, you’ll probably start wearing a wrap a bit earlier than usual in your warm-ups.
How to Wear a Wrist Wrap
I strongly recommend watching the included video (above) as it’s easier to see and understand the process as opposed to reading and looking at a few pictures.
figure 4
Place your thumb through the thumb loop. (Most wraps have a right and left wrap, so make sure you’re using the correct one - see Figure 4 for reference.)
Apply a slight amount of tension as you lay the wrap across the back side of your wrist. Be sure the wrap covers the actual wrist itself - i.e., the hand and the forearm - and not just the forearm. A reasonable approach is to bias the initial position a bit more toward the hand and then wrap slightly “down” toward the forearm as you continue the process.
Continue to wrap around the wrist and apply more tension once you’ve gone most of the way around.
Secure the wrap using the velcro closure.
Remove the thumb loop from your thumb before starting your set (the loop is only used to anchor the wrap when you’re putting it on).
figure 5: applying the wrist wrap and removing thumb loop
With practice, you’ll get a sense for how tight the wrap should be, but make no mistake - it should be quite snug. It should be tight enough that two criteria are satisfied; first, you should want to remove the wrap (or at least loosen it) between your sets, and second, it should make it difficult to bend your wrist. In other words, it needs to be tight enough to provide support, which brings us to . . .
What NOT to Do
The most common mistake with a wrist wrap is to wear the wrap too much (or entirely) on the forearm and not enough on the hand.
figure 6: demonstration of what not to do - this wrap is entirely on the forearm. don’t do this.
Remember - it’s a wrist wrap. Not a forearm warmer. The wrist is the joint connecting the forearm to the hand, so the wrap needs to cover both. If the wrap only covers the forearm (Figure 6), then - no matter how tight you get it - it won’t provide any support.
Can you move your wrist around easily with your wrap on? If you can, then it’s not tight enough, or more than likely, you’ve got it around your forearm and not your wrist.
Fix it, compadre.
As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better.
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Wrist Wraps: THREE Mistakes Every Lifter Should STOP Making
/Wearing your wrap here? don’t do that.
Let’s briefly cover a few mistakes lifters commonly make when using wrist wraps as well as how to easily fix these errors. I’d recommend watching some of the included videos to see these mistakes (and others) in action as well as how to correct them.
Mistake #1: Wearing the Wrap Only on the Arm
Wrist wraps are designed to be worn - not surprisingly - on the wrist. However, lifters often wear the wrap in such a way that it’s wrapped only around the arm (see the photo below this article’s title). In this case, the wrap doesn’t provide any support for the wrist itself and is now just functioning as an arm warmer.
Stylish, yes, but not very useful.
Since the wrist wrap should act somewhat as a belt for the wrist, make sure that it covers both the arm and the hand. As you put it on, start by wrapping it around the lower part of your hand and then wrap it further down as you go so that it crosses the wrist and ends up wrapping around the arm as well. You’ll know that you’re doing it correctly if the wrap makes it difficult to bend your wrist backward into extension.
Mistake #2: Wearing the Wrap Too Loosely
Wrist wraps should be worn tightly. If you are able to wear a wrap comfortably for five minutes, it’s too loose. Apply some serious tension to the wrap when putting it on and make sure that it’s very snug. Now, it shouldn’t be so tight that it immediately starts cutting off circulation to your hand, but it needs to be tight enough that - again - it should help prevent wrist extension. If it’s too loose, it won’t provide sufficient support.
Mistake #3: Taking the Wrap Off Between Sets
To be fair, this is more of an option than a mistake, but since lifters are often unaware of this option, we’ll call it a mistake of ignorance. You can take the wrap off between sets, and that’s perfectly acceptable as you certainly don’t want the wrap bound tightly around your wrist when resting. However, you can also choose to simply loosen the wrap instead.
To do this, simply undo the velcro and let the wrap slacken a bit. At this point, it’ll be comfortable enough that you can just leave it on until your next set, at which point you need to tighten it up again. To do this, tuck the thumb loop between your thumb and forefinger (i.e., you just need to pinch it, you don’t need to actually put the loop back over your thumb), and then you can once again apply the appropriate amount of tension to the wrap and secure it correctly.
This tactic is useful for all lifters, and it’s especially useful for competitors in weightlifting, powerlifting, or strengthlifting who may be on a clock and need to get their wraps on in a hurry.
You now have three ways to use your wrist wraps more efficiently, and as always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better
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