NEVER Make This Belt Mistake Again! (fast fix)
/Don’t make this mistake with your belt. For that matter, don’t make this mistake with your wrist wraps, either.
What error is this, you say? We’re talking about the simple mistake of forgetting to use your belt or your wrist wraps when training.
You might be thinking to yourself, “Self, how could I possibly forget my exquisitely crafted lifting belt or my amazing wrist wraps?” And yet, if it hasn’t happened to you already, rest assured - it will. At some point, you’ll finish a set (either a work set or a heavy warm-up set), you’ll sit down, and you’ll think, “Man, that was much harder than I expected it to be!”
Then, you’ll glance around and realize, “Oh. There’s my belt - I forgot to wear it.”
With this in mind, how can you make sure that you remember your belt (or your wraps) for your next set?
You’ll never forget your belt and wraps again.
The solution is extraordinarily simple - when you complete a set, remove your belt as usual and hang it right over your barbell. You can do the same with your wrist wraps as well. The next time you approach the bar to lift, you won’t forget to use your belt and wraps since you’ll see them as you approach the bar, and you’ll have to move them out of the way to use the bar.
It’s a simple, effective, and efficient tactic, and as always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better.
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