Testify Daily Observer - November 20, 2023


From our video Valsalva and Your Deadlift (click the title to watch):

Eric Anderton
What about passing out after the deadlift? Trying to avoid that.

Are you concerned that it will be a problem in the future, or has it been a problem already?

Eric Anderton
I haven't passed out yet, but a couple of times I've been super dizzy.

Eric Anderton

Roger that. A few things - make sure you're performing the Valsalva against a closed glottis and not just against a closed mouth (usually accompanied by puffed out cheeks). If you say the word "hick" and hold the "ck" part, that's what a closed glottis feels like. Beyond that, you could experiment with hissing or grunting slightly when pulling - this has helped for some people. For the most part, this phenomenon passes, and you adapt as you get stronger and continue deadlifting, but those tips might help. Also, and importantly, if you get dizzy, take a knee. Falling hurts much less . . . if you're already on the floor. Admittedly, I say this with a bit of humor intended, but it's very true nonetheless, and we tell this to anyone if they ever get dizzy or lightheaded.

Eric Anderton
good tip. Tried the hick move. Worked

Excellent - glad to hear it!


5 Seconds to a BIGGER Deadlift
5 seconds to a bigger, better, stronger deadlift - how is this even possible? Find out with this solution. Click here to watch.


Improve Your Deadlift by FIXING These 3 Errors!
Fix these 3 errors for a stronger and more efficient deadlift. Click here to read.


Blast from the Past: Easy Setup for Deadlift, Snatch, & Clean (in less than 3 minutes!)
In less than 3 minutes, learn how to setup for your deadlift, snatch, and clean in a manner that is simple, efficient, and consistent. Click here to watch.


Blast from the Past: Quick & Easy DIY Lifting Straps!
Need some lifting straps? We show you how to quickly make a cheap and indestructible pair that you'll use for years. Click here to read.


Looking to train in style and comfort this fall? Get yourself a Testify hoodie - in practically any color! Get yours today and represent your favorite gym.

Click here to head to the Testify Store.


Congratulations to everyone who competed at the inaugural Benching Bonanza this past Friday, and thank you so much to everyone who helped out! Judges, loaders, spotters, those who helped set up and tear down - you all were great, and we couldn't have wonderful events like this without you!

Reminder: Below are the hours for Thanksgiving week (you can also find these on our Location & Hours page). Any days not listed retain their normal hours.

Wednesday, 11/22/23: Regular hours
Thursday, 11/23/23: Closed
Friday, 11/24/23: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Saturday, 11/25/23: Regular hours

Below are a few of our upcoming events, and you can find out what else is on the calendar by heading to our events page at www.testifysc.com/events.

Testify Christmas Classic

  • December 2, 2023

  • Come on out and join us for the annual Testify Christmas Classic! This is a weightlifting meet, so the contested lifts are the snatch and clean-and-jerk.

  • Click here to register or for more information.

Testify Leprechaun Lift-off

  • March 16, 2024

  • Want to join us for the annual Testify Leprechaun Lift-off? Of course you do! This is a weightlifting meet, so the contested lifts are the snatch and clean-and-jerk.

  • Click here to register or for more information.

Testify Strengthlifting Challenge

  • April 6, 2024

  • The annual Testify Strengthlifting Challenge is back, and we invite you to be a part of it! This is a strengthlifting meet, which means the contested lifts will be the squat, press, and deadlift.

  • Click here to register or for more information.


Option 1
Sled Pyramid – 4, 5, or 6 tiers
Go up and down a 4, 5, or 6 tier “sled pyramid” – rest as needed. The distance for each round is 80 m indoors (a down-back on the 40m course) or 200 ft outdoors (2 down-backs on the 50 ft course). Rest as needed.

For example, Bob does the following (4 tiers):
Round 1: Empty sled
Round 2: 25#
Round 3: 50#
Round 4: 75#
Round 5: 50#
Round 6: 25#
Round 7: Empty sled

Compare to 2023.09.18.

Option 2
4 x 3 minutes

Rest 3 minutes between each round. Score = lowest distance.

Compare to 2023.08.28.

Option 3
1. Work up to a heavy single on the axle clean-and-press (i.e., ground to overhead).
2. 5 x 100 ft Zercher carry (50 ft down-back). Add weight each round. Rest as needed.

Compare to 2023.07.31.

Option 4
5 rounds:
15 cal row
50 yd sled push, 100#/50#

5 rounds:
15 cal row
100 ft sled push, 250#/125#

Push sled slow for recovery. Score is slowest row.

Compare to 2023.07.31.

Improve Your Deadlift by FIXING These 3 Errors!

Let’s quickly address three common deadlift mistakes that we see with new lifters . . . and sometimes experienced lifters as well.

Figure 1: Don’t do this.

Mistake #1: Shrugging at the Top of the Deadlift
See what Becky is doing in Figure 1? Don’t do that. Don’t shrug at the top of your deadlifts. It’s inefficient, unnecessary, and at heavy weights, you can’t do it anyway, so trying to do so is a waste of effort and energy.

To fix this, don’t bother telling yourself, “Don’t shrug.” When you do this, you are saying the one word - shrug - that you don’t want running around in your head.

figure 2: much better

We often refer to this type of cue as a negative cue or an avoidance cue, and although it can sometimes work, a better approach is to give yourself something to do as opposed to something not to do.

With this in mind, cue yourself, “Chest up, shoulders down,” or simply “Shoulders down” (Figure 2). This will help ensure that the bar is simply hanging from your shoulders and that your shoulders are not actively contributing to the elevation of the barbell.

Mistake #2: Releasing Your Valsalva Early
Do you exhale at the top of your deadlift? Don’t do that.

Breath is support, so stay tight and keep your valsalva (i.e., hold your breath against a closed glottis) until the bar is back on the ground. You won’t run out of air - it only takes another half-second to lower the barbell - and then you can release your breath.

Cues to fix this issue include “Hold your breath,” “Hold your valsalva,” or “Lift silently.” That last cue comes courtesy of SSC Mia Inman in her article Lift Silently from Starting Strength, and it wonderfully conveys what you should hear as you complete your deadlift . . . nothing. After the bar leaves the floor, there’s no noise. Specifically, you don’t hear any noise from exhalation - until the bar is back on the floor.

Mistake #3: Lowering the Barbell Around Your Knees
After you’ve locked out your deadlift at the top of the lift - with shoulders down and your breath held, of course - you want to lower the bar in a nice, straight, vertical line back to its starting point right over the middle of your foot. 

figure 3: becky lowers the bar around her knees. don’t do this.

Lowering the bar in a curved path around the knees (Figure 3), on the other hand, is inefficient, and as a result, it’s harder. Additionally, it causes you to set the bar down in front of the middle of your foot, which means you’ve got another variable to deal with before starting the next rep.

This problem arises when you try to keep a vertical torso when setting the bar down, which means you are primarily bending the knees to set it down, which in turn means that your knees become obstacles for the correct bar path.

Figure 4: becky pushes her hips back, bends over, and “bows to the floor.”

The solution for this is to reach back with your hips, very consciously bend over at the hips (Figure 4), and slide the bar down your thighs.

Your knees will be unlocked, but keep them back until the bar passes the knees. If this concept doesn’t work for you try one of the two following approaches:

  1. While setting the bar down, watch the middle of your foot and sight the bar into place as you lower it. In other words, aim for the middle of your foot.

  2. Bow to the floor. That’s it. Simply cue yourself to “bow to the floor,” and you will naturally bend over to set the bar down. It can be useful to remember that the bar’s job is to go straight back down to where it started. Your job - on the other hand - is to stay out of the bar’s way, so bow to the floor and set it down.

As always, we hope these tips help you get stronger and live better.

(Some links may be affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, Testify earns from qualifying purchases.)

If you found this helpful, you’ll love our weekly email. It’s got useful videos, articles, and training tips just like the one in this article. Sign up below, and of course, if you don’t love it, you can unsubscribe at any time.

At Testify, we offer small group training, private coaching (in-person or remotely via Zoom), online coaching, and form checks. Would you like to get quality coaching from a Starting Strength Coach?

Easy Setup for Deadlift, Snatch, & Clean (in less than 3 minutes!)

In less than 3 minutes, learn how to setup for your deadlift, snatch, and clean in a manner that is simple, efficient, and consistent.

(This is a Blast from the Past video originally published on 02/26/22.)

At Testify, we offer small group training, private coaching (in-person or remotely via Zoom), online coaching, and form checks. Click the button below to get quality coaching from a Starting Strength Coach and start getting stronger TODAY.

Quick & Easy DIY Lifting Straps!

(A Blast from the Past article originally posted on 10/29/21)

You can buy lifting straps, or you can make this practically indestructible pair for about two bucks. Here we go:

Step 1
Purchase some 1-inch climbing tubular webbing (it will be flat even though it’s actually a tube). You can simply type in “climbing tubular webbing” into the search engine of your choice, and you’ll see a host of options, or you can just click here.

You can get something a bit wider than an inch if you like, but the 1-inch material will do just fine. Climbing webbing is extremely durable - remember, climbers trust this stuff with their lives. We’re just trusting it with our deadlifts, rows, etc.

Step 2: Cut a length of webbing about 2 ft long.

Step 2
Cut a length of webbing that is about two feet long. The exact length will vary by person, but you’ll want to err on the longer side. If the straps are too big for your liking, you can easily make them shorter later on. If you have large hands, you might want to go a bit longer than two feet.

steps 3 and 4 (left and right, respectively)

Step 3
Burn the cut ends so the straps don’t fray. A few seconds of burning is all that is necessary.

Be sure to let the burnt ends cool before touching them. This may seem obvious, but trust me - it’s worth mentioning.

Step 4
Place one end of a strap on top of the opposite end of the same strap so that they overlap by an inch or so.

steps 5 and 6 (left and right, respectively)

Step 5
Wrap 6-8 inches of athletic tape around the overlapped ends.

Step 6
Repeat steps 2-5 to create the other strap, and you’re done!

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better.

(Some links may be affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, Testify earns from qualifying purchases.)

If you found this helpful, you’ll love our weekly email. It’s got useful videos, articles, and training tips just like the one in this article. Sign up below, and of course, if you don’t love it, you can unsubscribe at any time.

At Testify, we offer small group training, private coaching (in-person or remotely via Zoom), online coaching, and form checks. Would you like to get quality coaching from a Starting Strength Coach?

5 Seconds to a BIGGER Deadlift

5 seconds to a bigger, better, stronger deadlift - how is this even possible? Find out with this solution.

At Testify, we offer small group training, private coaching (in-person or remotely via Zoom), online coaching, and form checks. Click the button below to get quality coaching from a Starting Strength Coach and start getting stronger TODAY.

The Testify Examiner - November 13, 2023


From our video How to Build Jerk Blocks - Part 1: Stackers (click the title to watch):

Richmon Schumann
What height do you build the jerk blocks to? Is it based on a standard or just the height of the person using the blocks?

These are about 45 to 46 inches tall. They were designed with the goal that pretty much anybody (even relatively tall people) could still use them for jerk blocks. Most people will not use all of the blocks when performing jerks from the blocks.


One Clue to Identify a Bad Squat EARLY
How can you tell that your squat is going to be harder and less efficient than it should be? Watch for this tell-tale sign on the descent and learn how to fix it. Click here to watch.


How to EASILY Move Stall Mats! | Gym Equipment
Horse stall mats are supremely useful for platforms and/or gym flooring, but they’re a pain to move...OR ARE THEY?! There’s a better way. You need to get your mind right, so check out this article. Click here to read.


Blast from the Past: How to Put on Knee Sleeves (the super secret and easy way!)
Stop struggling to get your knee sleeves on. Phil, Becky, and Sharon show you this super secret method - it's simple and easy. Click here to watch.


Blast from the Past: Weightlifting vs Powerlifting vs Strengthlifting - What's the Difference?!
“What’s the deal with all of these lifting sports? I can’t keep them straight!” Phil explains in this short article. Click here to read.


Looking to train in style and comfort this fall? Get yourself a Testify hoodie - in practically any color! Get yours today and represent your favorite gym.

Click here to head to the Testify Store.


Below are a few of our upcoming events, and you can find out what else is on the calendar by heading to our events page at www.testifysc.com/events.

Benching Bonanza! The Annual Testify Bench Press Jubilee

  • November 17, 2023

  • Benching Bonanza is a strength meet wherein the only contested lift is - you guessed it - the bench press. There will be one bar, and the meet will be conducted in a "rising bar" format, so the weight on the bar only goes up! It'll be a ton of fun, so come on out!

  • Click here to register or for more information.

Testify Christmas Classic

  • December 2, 2023

  • Come on out and join us for the annual Testify Christmas Classic! This is a weightlifting meet, so the contested lifts are the snatch and clean-and-jerk.

  • Click here to register or for more information.

Testify Strengthlifting Challenge

  • April 6, 2024

  • The annual Testify Strengthlifting Challenge is back, and we invite you to be a part of it! This is a strengthlifting meet, which means the contested lifts will be the squat, press, and deadlift.

  • Click here to register or for more information.


This year, Testify Strength & Conditioning will be participating in Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child event as a way to support our community and beyond!  

Would you like to join us in sending a shoebox filled with gifts and personal items to a child in need this Christmas?  Your shoebox will be an expression of God’s love to a child in need around the world.  Any shoebox will do, fill it with toys, personal care items, school supplies and accessories.  You can choose to make your box specific to a boy or girl ages 2-14 years old. Fill out the envelope (located on the table outside the gym office) and add $10/box for shipping and attach it to your box.  

Check out the table outside the gym office for all the details and how to pack a box.  Our goal is to deliver 20 boxes to a local church drop-off site to be processed and sent out to the children.   Shoeboxes need to be returned to Testify no later than November 13th. 

 If you have any questions please contact Barb at barb.mueller@testifysc.com.


Option 1
10 rounds of:
Push sled 100 ft
Pull sled 100 ft (hand over hand)

20 rounds of:
Push sled 50 ft
Pull sled 50 ft (hand over hand)

Compare to 2023.09.11.

Option 2
5 min on
4 min off
4 min on
3 min off
3 min on
2 min off
2 min on
1 min off
1 min on

Record distance for each interval and add for total distance.

Compare to 2023.08.21.

Option 3
8 rounds:
4 tire flips
50 yd sled push (25 yd down-back)
Rest 1 minute

8 rounds:
4 tire flips
100 ft sled push (50 ft down-back)
Rest 1 minute

Compare to 2023.07.24.

Option 4
5 rounds:
4 tire flips
8 sledgehammer strikes
6 pull-ups
10 push-ups

Pull-ups and push-ups can be modified – talk to the coaches for options.

Compare to 2023.07.24.