Pulling Blocks: What, Why, and DIY vs. Commercial (Which Should YOU Use?)

Today, we’re covering everything related to blocks - pulling blocks, jerk blocks, what they are, why you might use them, as well as what kind you might want to use.

DC Blocks
In short, DC Blocks are made of a very durable plastic, they’re very useful, and they’re also quite expensive. 

Figure 1: setting up to perform a block pull from DC blocks

DC blocks (Figure 1) are most commonly used as pulling blocks, i.e., blocks upon which you perform a pulling motion such as a block pull or a block clean. For example, suppose you want to perform a rack pull, which requires a bent bar or, at the very least, a bar that you’re willing to allow to bend, since rack pulls will do this to barbells over time. If you don’t have such a bar, you can simply perform a block pull instead with your regular barbell (with no worry about what will happen to that bar).

Note: Although DC blocks are quite durable, I’d recommend using bumper plates with them as opposed to metal plates. To be fair, I’ve seen metal plates used with DC Blocks on rare occasions, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lifter damage the blocks this way, and that would be an expensive mistake.

Figure 2: power snatch from DC blocks

You can also perform snatches and cleans from DC Blocks (Figure 2). If you’re working to eliminate a pesky early arm pull on your clean, you can start with a block height at which you pull correctly and then slowly lower the height of the blocks over time until you’re pulling from the floor.

As another example, if you struggle to set your back in the deadlift setup, you can practice this from a higher position (using blocks) where it’s easier to achieve. Then you can slowly work your way down by lowering the block height until you’re pulling from the floor with a correctly set back.

Since these blocks are stackable, they are very useful because of how versatile they are as well as how easy it is to achieve differing heights of blocks. However, they are a bit on the small side, which doesn’t give you a lot of room to err forward or backward when setting the bar down. This should not be a problem for a block pull, but it can potentially be an issue when lowering cleans and snatches.

We have a full set of DC Blocks, and they’re great, but we bought them used, and we never would have bought them new as there are other solid options at significantly lower price points. This corresponds to my recommendation for most people - if you can get them used at a great price, go for it, but otherwise, I’d recommend other options.

figure 3: one stack of jerk blocks (also pulling blocks if not stacked this high)

Wood Jerk Blocks/Pulling Blocks
Blocks such as those seen in Figure 3 are commonly known as jerk blocks if stacked this high since lifters can perform split jerks and power jerks from them. As they’re stackable, they are also referred to as pulling blocks since you can create a stack that’s much lower to the ground and suitable for block pulls, cleans, and snatches.

You can build these on your own or buy a set, and if constructed well, they are very durable and incredibly useful. Purchasing a set is comparable in cost to DC Blocks, but you have a much larger area onto which you can lower the barbell, which is a huge advantage when dropping snatches, cleans, and jerks (Figure 4). Constructing your own set does represent a significant investment in terms of building time, but it will also save you a lot of money.

We built our set, the total price was around one-third that of what it would have been if we had purchased a set, and the savings was even more when compared to a similar stack height of DC Blocks. Above, you can find one of our DIY videos we created for these blocks (the first of a three-part series), or you can simply click the links below:

figure 4: wood pulling and jerk blocks provide a large, durable platform for cleans, snatches, jerks, and block pulls.

Horse Stall Mats
You can also make pulling blocks from horse stall mats. Simply take the typical 4’ x 6’ stall mat (¾” thick), and use a jig saw to cut it to the appropriate size. You can create stacks of multiple mats to create blocks of different heights.

These blocks are useful, easy to make, and we’ve got a video covering how to do exactly that (check out the video below). You can purchase horse stall mats by clicking here, but they are generally significantly cheaper if purchased locally, e.g., at a Tractor Supply or something similar.

This sort of block is easily stackable, but the stacks do get heavy rather quickly, and they don’t connect together in the secure fashion that DC Blocks or wood blocks do, so these are limited in height and thus will serve only as pulling blocks (and not as jerk blocks). However, if you only need blocks up to about 6-8” in height, this is the easiest and cheapest way to go.

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better,


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Cheap & Easy DIY Sled Drag Harness Options

(A Blast from the Past article originally posted on 12/16/22)

The sled or prowler is an extremely effective conditioning tool (albeit a rather evil one). You can get in some great conditioning pushing the sled, but you can also get in some great conditioning pulling it, so let’s cover a couple of options to construct a simple and cheap sled drag harness so you don’t have to go out and buy an expensive one.

First, a few notes . . .

Sled vs Prowler
A sled has 2 skids while a prowler has 3 skids. They accomplish the same purpose as they both can be pushed or pulled, and for our purposes, I’m going to use the word “sled” for both implements.

Don’t Have a Sled?
If you don’t have a sled for pulling, you don’t need to go out and put down a bunch of cash for a new one. You can construct a “tire sled” from an old tire and an eyebolt - it’s cheap, pretty quick, and it works very well for pulls.

Watch the included video - Free (or cheap!) Strongman and Conditioning Equipment - to see what I’m talking about.

And now, let’s get to the harness options . . .

Sled Drag Harness - Waist Option
You’ll need a fairly large carabiner, and you’ll also need to get an automotive recovery strap, which you can obtain at pretty much any hardware store or by clicking here. Each end of the strap has a loop, and we’ll simply connect each loop to the carabiner, and then we’ll hook the carabiner to the sled. Simply place the middle of the recovery strap around your waist, and you’ve now got a cheap and easy-to-make harness for walking either forward or backward while dragging the sled.

Shoulder Harness option

Sled Drag Harness - Shoulder Option
For this version, you’ll need to get some 1-inch climbing webbing. This is the same tubular webbing that we use for making lifting straps (see the video below) - you can find this type of webbing at an R.E.I. or a something store, or you can get some on Amazon by clicking here. You could probably use wider material if you want to make it more comfortable, but conditioning is not terribly comfortable anyway, and this is what we had on hand, and it works well.

Take 7-8 feet of webbing and tie a water knot with the ends to create one long, continuous loop. To tie a water knot (other knots won’t work as well with webbing), check out the DIY Sled Drag Harness Options video above. Feeding that loop through the loop created by your recovery strap, you have now created “backpack straps,” so simply put one arm through each end of the backpack straps, and you’re all set to go.

Seeing this on video helps quite a bit, so as mentioned earlier, I’d recommend watching the short DIY Sled Drag Harness Options video above (this video was the basis for this article).

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger (or at least more conditioned!) and live better.


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  • Book a free intro and strategy session with us HERE.

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How to Easily Build a Lifting Platform (and the EASIEST way to cut stall mats)

(A Blast from the Past article originally posted on 11/04/22)

A lifting platform is a very important part of your gym - it protects your equipment as well as your floor, it dampens the noise and vibrations of deadlifts, cleans, snatches, etc., and it clearly delineates the lifting space. This last factor - the abundantly clear “stay out of my lifting space” effect of the platform - is very useful when you have a training partner or little kids with you in the gym.

Fortunately, building a lifting platform is quite easy. In fact, “building” is a rather generous term for the process - we’re pretty much just assembling a platform. We’ll lay out the steps below, but I’d strongly recommend watching one of the videos linked throughout this article for a better understanding of the process.

First, lay two 4’ x 8’ sheets of OSB next to one another. I’d recommend what is commonly referred to as 3/4"-thick OSB, but the actual dimension will be listed as 23/32”.

Laying down the base layer of OSB sheets

These two sheets will run lengthwise, i.e., they’re run front-to-back. The sheets will probably have a slight bow to them (i.e., a curvature), and you’ll want to make sure that the crown of the board is up (so the board should make a mountain, not a valley).

Next, lay two more sheets of the same OSB on top of the base layer. These sheets will be perpendicular to the base layer sheets, so they’ll run side-to-side. Again, the crown should be up. Then you’ll use 1-1/4” screws to attach the second layer to the base layer. We use three screws on the short end of each board and four screws along the long end.

Laying down the 2nd layer of OSB sheets

Then, for the top layer, you’ll use a sheet of 3/4”-thick MDF to run down the middle. You could use something nicer like oak, but we like MDF as it’s nice and heavy and causes everything to lie nice and flat. You’ll need to do some cutting on the MDF as they are sized at 49” x 97”. You’ll cut the length to 96” (8 feet), and we recommend cutting the width to 42” (3.5 feet) as this gives you ample room between the plates and the MDF when you set down your deadlifts, cleans, etc (you can go with 4 feet wide, but 3.5 feet makes it much less likely that you’ll chip the MDF over time). You can do this yourself, or your lumber store may be willing to rip it for you.

Finally, you’ll use 3/4”-thick horse stall mats for the rest of the top layer. Stall mats are typically 4’ x 6’, so you’ll have some cutting to do here. The bigger piece on each side will be 72” x 27” (i.e., 6’ x 2’3”), and the smaller piece on each side will be 24” x 27” (i.e., 2’ x 2’3”). 

To attach the top layer to the second layer, use 1-5/8” screws. We put six screws into the MDF - three in front and three in back. For the stall mats, we simply put screws around the outside, front, and back of the platform - we don’t put any screws down the rubber edge near the MDF so that we can’t accidentally set our metal plates or bumper plates down on a screw that might be a bit proud.

Last note - when cutting stall mats, use a jig saw. It is - by far - the best way to do it. Check out the video above to see this process.

We hope this helps you quickly and easily build a lifting platform, and as always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better.

Finished platform - complete with Addy, Milo, & Parker

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Quick & Easy DIY Lifting Straps!

(A Blast from the Past article originally posted on 10/29/21)

You can buy lifting straps, or you can make this practically indestructible pair for about two bucks. Here we go:

Step 1
Purchase some 1-inch climbing tubular webbing (it will be flat even though it’s actually a tube). You can simply type in “climbing tubular webbing” into the search engine of your choice, and you’ll see a host of options, or you can just click here.

You can get something a bit wider than an inch if you like, but the 1-inch material will do just fine. Climbing webbing is extremely durable - remember, climbers trust this stuff with their lives. We’re just trusting it with our deadlifts, rows, etc.

Step 2: Cut a length of webbing about 2 ft long.

Step 2
Cut a length of webbing that is about two feet long. The exact length will vary by person, but you’ll want to err on the longer side. If the straps are too big for your liking, you can easily make them shorter later on. If you have large hands, you might want to go a bit longer than two feet.

steps 3 and 4 (left and right, respectively)

Step 3
Burn the cut ends so the straps don’t fray. A few seconds of burning is all that is necessary.

Be sure to let the burnt ends cool before touching them. This may seem obvious, but trust me - it’s worth mentioning.

Step 4
Place one end of a strap on top of the opposite end of the same strap so that they overlap by an inch or so.

steps 5 and 6 (left and right, respectively)

Step 5
Wrap 6-8 inches of athletic tape around the overlapped ends.

Step 6
Repeat steps 2-5 to create the other strap, and you’re done!

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better.

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Weightlifting vs Powerlifting vs Hybrid Barbells in 2 minutes!

What's with the different markings on barbells? Phil quickly and simply explains what they mean, what purpose they serve, and how to know which one to use.

(This is a Blast from the Past video originally published on 02/12/22.)

At Testify, we offer small group training, private coaching (in-person or remotely via Zoom), online coaching, and form checks. Click the button below to get quality coaching from a Starting Strength Coach and start getting stronger TODAY.

Build a Lifting Platform in 3 Minutes!

In less than 3 minutes, Phil, Becky, and Barb show you how to build a lifting platform. Whether you're using it for general strength training, weightlifting, or powerlifting, this platform is durable, protects your equipment and floor, and is easy to put together.

(This is a Blast from the Past video originally published on 02/05/22.)

At Testify, we offer small group training, private coaching (in-person or remotely via Zoom), online coaching, and form checks. Click the button below to get quality coaching from a Starting Strength Coach and start getting stronger TODAY.