Quick & Easy DIY Lifting Straps!
/You can buy lifting straps, or you can make this practically indestructible pair for about two bucks. Here we go:
Step 1
Purchase some 1-inch climbing tubular webbing (it will be flat even though it’s actually a tube). You can simply type in “climbing tubular webbing” into the search engine of your choice, and you’ll see a host of options, or you can just click here.
You can get something a bit wider than an inch if you like, but the 1-inch material will do just fine. Climbing webbing is extremely durable - remember, climbers trust this stuff with their lives. We’re just trusting it with our deadlifts, rows, etc.
Step 2: Cut a length of webbing about 2 ft long.
Step 2
Cut a length of webbing that is about two feet long. The exact length will vary by person, but you’ll want to err on the longer side. If the straps are too big for your liking, you can easily make them shorter later on. If you have large hands, you might want to go a bit longer than two feet.
steps 3 and 4 (left and right, respectively)
Step 3
Burn the cut ends so the straps don’t fray. A few seconds of burning is all that is necessary.
Be sure to let the burnt ends cool before touching them. This may seem obvious, but trust me - it’s worth mentioning.
Step 4
Place one end of a strap on top of the opposite end of the same strap so that they overlap by an inch or so.
steps 5 and 6 (left and right, respectively)
Step 5
Wrap 6-8 inches of athletic tape around the overlapped ends.
Step 6
Repeat steps 2-5 to create the other strap, and you’re done!
As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better.
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