The Testify Post - March 17, 2025


From our video 10 Ways You’re RUINING Your Press (and how to fix them!) (click the title to watch):

Dennis J
I wonder in the old days when the ohp was an official lift if hip movement would be a legal move?

Solid question, Dennis, and yes, it was indeed legal. Back when the clean-and-press was part of the sport of weightlifting (along with the snatch and clean-and-jerk), the hip movement was widely utilized. The key (as mentioned in this video also) is that the knees couldn’t bend.


Interested in getting stronger working one-on-one remotely with us? Click here to book your free strategy session.

Get Stronger. Live Better. Start Today.


10 Ways You’re RUINING Your Press (and how to fix them!)
Are you struggling with the press (AKA overhead press or shoulder press)? Phil covers 10 common press mistakes as well as how to fix them so you can get a bigger, stronger press. Click here to watch.


Quick Breathing Tip to Improve Your Bench Press
Phil covers a quick and easy breathing tip to help you improve your bench press. Click here to read.


Blast from the Past: Deadlift Swinging Away? Fix Your Balance | Deadlift Technique
Does your deadlift swing away from you? In this first video in our Saturday Shorts series on correcting your deadlift, we cover how to achieve the correct balance in the setup for the pull. Click here to watch.


Blast from the Past: Fix Your Press - Part 6: Get Your Eyeballs FIXED!
Phil discusses the problem of an incorrect (or absent) focal point when pressing as well as how to fix this problem. Click here to read.


Baseball season is coming up, so represent your favorite team - well, gym - in style!

PLUS - you get four different options to choose from!

Click here to head to the Testify Store.


Below is one of our upcoming events, and you can find out what else is on the calendar by heading to our events page at

Testify Strengthlifting Challenge

  • April 12, 2025

  • The annual Testify Strengthlifting Challenge is back, and we invite you to be a part of it! This is a strengthlifting meet, which means the contested lifts will be the squat, press, and deadlift.

  • Click here to register or for more information.

Testify Mystery Event . . . and the details are out!

  • March 21, 2025

  • Friday night fish fry at Saint Vincent de Paul (click here for map)

  • Meet at 6:30 p.m. for fun, fish, beer, and to get your name put in the hat for drawings!

  • Click here for more details and to sign up so we’ve got a headcount.


Option 1
10 rounds of:
Push sled 100 ft
Pull sled 100 ft (hand over hand)

20 rounds of:
Push sled 50 ft
Pull sled 50 ft (hand over hand)

Compare to 2025.01.13.

Option 2
Bike/Row for 9 rounds:
1 min on
1 min off

Record distance for each round.

Compare to 2024.12.23.

Option 3
10 rounds:
25 yd yoke carry
Rest 1 minute

10 rounds:
30 yd yoke carry (15 yd down-back)
Rest 1 minute

Compare to 2024.11.25.

Option 4
10 x 50 ft farmer carry
Each carry is 25 ft down and 25 ft back and is for time. Rest 1 minute between carries.

Women: 97# per handle (80# of plates)
Men: 137# per handle (120# of plates)
(Note: Each handle weighs 17#.)

Compare to 2024.11.25.

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better!

Whenever you want even more Testify in your life, here are some free resources:

  • Book a free intro and strategy session with us HERE.

  • Pick up a free copy of Testify’s Squat Guide: 12 Tips to Improve Your Squat Now HERE.

  • Get our free weekly email - containing useful videos, articles, and training tips - HERE.

  • Follow Testify on Instagram HERE.

  • Subscribe to Testify’s YouTube channel HERE.

The Testify Christmas Chronicle - December 23, 2024


From our video Cleans vs Power Cleans vs Hang Cleans - What's the Difference?! (click the title to watch):

Margherita Claps
Thanks! - you’ve finally ‘cleaned’ all that confusion I had around those lifts and I could never remember which one’s which!

Ha! You’re very welcome, and I’m glad it was helpful!


Interested in getting stronger working remotely with one of our Starting Strength Coaches? Click here to book a free intro call and strategy session.

Get Stronger. Live Better. Start today.


4 Key Things to Do AFTER You Lift Weights
What should you be doing after you lift weights so that you get the most out of your strength training? Phil covers 4 actions to take when you finish lifting. Click here to watch.


Don't Let This Mistake RUIN Your Deadlift!
“You know the five step deadlift setup, and you’ve memorized it well - stance, grip, shins, chest, and pull. However, you very well might be screwing up…” Click here to read.


Blast from the Past: Improve Your Deadlift by FIXING These 3 Errors!
Fix these three errors for a stronger and more efficient deadlift. Phil and Becky explain and demonstrate as Addy, Anna, Milo, and Parker all help out. Click here to watch.


Blast from the Past: Cheap & Easy DIY Sled Drag Harness Options
“…you can also get in some great conditioning pulling it, so let’s cover a couple of options to construct a simple and cheap sled drag harness so you don’t have to go out and buy an expensive one…” Click here to read.


Represent your favorite gym - even when it's cold outside!

And, it gets better - you can choose your beanie from EIGHT different colors!

Click here to head to the Testify Store.


Reminder: Below are the hours for the weeks of Christmas and New Year's (you can also find these on our Location & Hours page). Any days not listed retain their normal hours.

Christmas Week (2024)
Tuesday, 12/24/24: 5:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (closed in the evening)
Wednesday, 12/25/24: Closed
Thursday, 12/26/24: 4:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (closed in the morning)

New Year’s Week (2024-2025)
Tuesday, 12/31/24: 5:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (closed in the evening)
Wednesday, 01/01/25: Closed
Thursday, 01/02/25: 4:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (closed in the morning)

You can always find out what else is on the calendar by heading to our events page at as we’ll be posting some 2025 events soon!


Option 1
“Prowler Base”
1. Load up a manageable weight.
2. Sprint 40m at 85% intensity.
3. Rest until breathing and heart rate slow down. (45 sec – 2 min)
4. Repeat 5-15 times.

Courtesy of “Death by Prowler” (on Starting Strength).

Compare to 2024.10.21.

Option 2
Bike/Row for 9 rounds:
1 min on
1 min off

Record distance for each round.

Compare to 2024.09.30.

Option 3
10 rounds:
25 yd yoke carry
Rest 1 minute

10 rounds:
30 yd yoke carry (15 yd down-back)
Rest 1 minute

Compare to 2024.09.02.

Option 4
10 x 50 ft farmer carry
Each carry is 25 ft down and 25 ft back and is for time. Rest 1 minute between carries.

Women: 97# per handle (80# of plates)
Men: 137# per handle (120# of plates)
(Note: Each handle weighs 17#.)

Compare to 2024.09.02.

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better!

Whenever you want even more Testify in your life, here are some free resources:

  • Book a free intro and strategy session with us HERE.

  • Pick up a free copy of Testify’s Squat Guide: 12 Tips to Improve Your Squat Now HERE.

  • Get our free weekly email - containing useful videos, articles, and training tips - HERE.

  • Follow Testify on Instagram HERE.

  • Subscribe to Testify’s YouTube channel HERE.

Testify Herald - September 30, 2024


From our video 3 Habits that Instantly Boost Your Deadlift (click the title to watch):

Art Barkley
Another excellent tutorial! Much appreciated. I tried your idea of “bowing to the floor and looking for my mid foot” and it really helped, particularly on the 4th and 5th reps. Thank you!

That's great to hear, and you're welcome!


Want to get stronger working remotely with one of our Starting Strength Coaches? Click here to contact us and learn more.

Get Stronger. Live Better. Start today.


3 Habits that Instantly Boost Your Deadlift
Phil covers 3 habits that will improve your deadlift and add weight to the bar immediately. Click here to watch.


What You Should NEVER Do When Pressing!
Is your bar path all sorts of terrible when you press? It's destroying your press. Here are 3 simple cues to help you fix it. Click here to read.


Blast from the Past: Power Jerk vs Squat Jerk vs Split Jerk: Which One is BEST?
There are 3 different types of jerk, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Phil and Becky explain and demonstrate the power jerk, squat jerk, and split jerk. Click here to watch.


Blast from the Past: The Box Squat: What, How, and Why
What are box squats, how do you perform them, and why might a lifter do them? Phil explains. Click here to read.


Why do you train? Because getting stronger makes everything else easier. Get stronger. Live better. “Testify” to this message and represent your favorite gym with this shirt in several color options.

Click here to head to the Testify Store.


Below are a few of our upcoming events, and you can find out what else is on the calendar by heading to our events page at

Testify Fall Classic

  • October 26, 2024

  • The annual Testify Fall Classic is back, and we invite you to be a part of it! This is a strengthlifting meet, which means the contested lifts will be the squat, press, and deadlift.

  • Click here to register or for more information.

Benching Bonanza! The Annual Testify Bench Press Jubilee

  • November 22, 2024

  • Benching Bonanza is a strength meet wherein the only contested lift is - you guessed it - the bench press. There will be one bar, and the meet will be conducted in a "rising bar" format, so the weight on the bar only goes up! It'll be a ton of fun, so come on out!

  • Click here to register or for more information.

Barbell Blizzard! A Winter Wonderland of Weights

  • December 14, 2024

  • Barbell Blizzard is a team strength meet wherein the contested lifts will be the squat, press, bench press, and deadlift. Competitors will form teams of 2-4 lifters/team and perform all 4 lifts; each lifter will receive 3 attempts for each lift.

  • Click here to register or for more information.


Option 1
Sled Pyramid – 4, 5, or 6 tiers
Go up and down a 4, 5, or 6 tier “sled pyramid” – rest as needed. The distance for each round is 80 m indoors (a down-back on the 40m course) or 200 ft outdoors (2 down-backs on the 50 ft course). Rest as needed.

For example, Bob does the following (4 tiers):
Round 1: Empty sled
Round 2: 25#
Round 3: 50#
Round 4: 75#
Round 5: 50#
Round 6: 25#
Round 7: Empty sled

Compare to 2024.07.29.

Option 2
Bike/Row for 9 rounds:
1 min on
1 min off

Record distance for each round.

Compare to 2024.07.08.

Option 3
5-10 rounds:
10 sledgehammer strikes (5R, 5L)
50 yd farmer carry (25 yd down-back)
Rest 1 minute

5-10 rounds:
10 sledgehammer strikes (5R, 5L)
100 ft farmer carry (50 ft down-back)
Rest 1 minute

Compare to 2024.06.10.

Option 4
5-8 rounds:
50 ft sled push
50 ft sled pull (hand over hand)
Row 1 minute
Rest 1 minute

This can also be done in a group of three where the sledder determines how long the other two people row and rest.

Compare to 2024.06.10.

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better!

The Testify Chronicle - July 8, 2024


From our video 8 Things Successful Lifters Do Before Squatting HEAVY (plus 2 BONUS tips) (click the title to watch):

Max Toulouse
Chalk makes a massive difference in maintaining hand position. Even on highly knurled bars, my hands will begin to move out during a set without chalk.

Absolutely - nailed it.


Want to get stronger working remotely with one of our Starting Strength Coaches? Click here to contact us and learn more.

Get Stronger. Live Better. Start today.


8 Things Successful Lifters Do Before Squatting HEAVY (plus 2 BONUS tips)
What should you take care of before a heavy squat? We cover 8 simple and effective tips - plus 2 bonus tips - when preparing to squat heavy. Click here to watch.


WRIST WRAPS: The Complete Guide and How NOT to Put Them On! (Lifting Gear Series)
We cover everything you'll ever want to know about wrist wraps, including how NOT to put them on. This is the 4th article in the "Lifting Gear" series. Click here to read.


Blast from the Past: 2 Deadlifting Pieces of Equipment You NEED to Have!
Want a bigger deadlift? Phil covers two pieces of equipment that will immediately strengthen your deadlift. Click here to watch.


Blast from the Past: The Bench Press: You're Forgetting to Do This - Part 4
Are your terrible shoulders ruining your bench press? We quickly discuss the problem as well as how to correct your shoulder positioning. Click here to read.


Why do you train? Because getting stronger makes everything else easier. Get stronger. Live better. “Testify” to this message and represent your favorite gym with this shirt in several color options.

Click here to head to the Testify Store.


Reminder: On the afternoon of Friday, 07/12/24, our training hours will run from 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. as we are hosting the annual IronFest competition that day. The morning hours remain the same as usual.

Below are a few of our upcoming events, and you can find out what else is on the calendar by heading to our events page at

Testify IronFest VI

  • July 12, 2024

  • IronFest is a team-based strength meet wherein the contested lifts will be the squat, press, bench press, and deadlift. Competitors will form teams of 2 lifters/team and perform all 4 lifts; each lifter will perform one upper body lift and one lower body lift, and each lifter will receive 3 attempts for each lift.

  • Click here to register or for more information.

Minneapolis, MN: Starting Strength Squat & Deadlift Camp

  • August 31, 2024

  • Spend the day learning the theory and practice of the low bar back squat and the deadlift.

  • Participants will spend lots of time on the platform receiving coaching and instruction on the squat and deadlift in a small group setting. We will also have a lecture and discussion on programming and cover how to identify and correct common technical problems.

  • Click here to register or for more information.

Starting Strength Self-Sufficient Lifter Camp

  • September 28, 2024

  • Spend the day learning the Squat, Press, and Deadlift and how to self-evaluate your lifts while training in your garage or commercial gym without a coach.

  • Click here to register or for more information.


Option 1
10 rounds of:
Push sled 100 ft
Pull sled 100 ft (hand over hand)

20 rounds of:
Push sled 50 ft
Pull sled 50 ft (hand over hand)

Compare to 2024.05.06.

Option 2
Bike/Row for 9 rounds:
1 min on
1 min off

Record distance for each round.

Compare to 2024.04.15.

Option 3
1. 5 x 50 ft seated sled pull. Add weight each round. Rest as needed.
2. 5 x 100 ft duck walk. Add weight each round. Rest as needed.

Compare to 2024.03.18.

Option 4
4 rounds:
50 yd farmer carry
80 m sled drag
Rest 2 min

4 rounds:
100 ft farmer carry
100 ft sled drag
Rest 2 min

Compare to 2024.03.18.

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better!

The Testify Tribune - April 15, 2024


From our video The Deadlift - How to Use Your Lats (click the title to watch):

G Doggy
I like the pool noodle cue. I’m gonna try it. Great tip!

Thanks, and I’m glad you liked it!


Want to get stronger working remotely with one of our Starting Strength Coaches? We have a few openings, so if you’re interested, click here to contact us and learn more.

Get Stronger. Live Better. Start today.


This Mistake is DESTROYING Your Press | 5 Simple Tips to Fix It FAST
Are you making this mistake when you press? Let’s fix it quickly with these 5 simple tips. Click here to watch.


Wrist Wraps: THREE Mistakes Every Lifter Should STOP Making
Are you making these 3 common errors with your wrist wraps? Phil helps you fix them quickly. Click here to read.


Blast from the Past: The WORST Lifting Shoe? Why You Should NEVER Lift in Chuck Taylors!
Your lifting shoes should support your training, not hinder it. With this in mind, we take a look at the classic Converse Chuck Taylor and see how it holds up as a lifting shoe candidate. Click here to watch.


Blast from the Past: Don't be a Noob: Loading the Bar
Don't be a noob, and don't break your foot! Phil covers why we load plates on the bar the way we do. Click here to read.


Looking to train in style? Get yourself a Testify hoodie - in practically any color! Get yours today and represent your favorite gym.

Click here to head to the Testify Store.


Reminder: The gym will have modified training hours on Friday, 04/26/24, and Saturday, 04/27/24, as we are hosting the Starting Strength Coaches Conference that weekend.

  • Friday hours: 5:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (no afternoon hours)

  • Saturday hours: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.

Below are a few of our upcoming events, and you can find out what else is on the calendar by heading to our events page at

Testify Barbell MAYhem

  • May 11, 2024

  • Come on out and join us for the annual Testify Barbell MAYhem! This is a weightlifting meet, so the contested lifts are the snatch and clean-and-jerk.

  • Click here for more information.

Starting Strength Self-Sufficient Lifter Camp

  • May 18, 2024

  • Spend the day learning the Squat, Press, and Deadlift and how to self-evaluate your lifts while training in your garage or commercial gym without a coach.

  • Click here to register or for more information.

Testify IronFest VI

  • July 12, 2024

  • IronFest is a team-based strength meet wherein the contested lifts will be the squat, press, bench press, and deadlift. Competitors will form teams of 2 lifters/team and perform all 4 lifts; each lifter will perform one upper body lift and one lower body lift, and each lifter will receive 3 attempts for each lift.

  • Click here to register or for more information.


Option 1
“Prowler Base”
1. Load up a manageable weight.
2. Sprint 40m at 85% intensity.
3. Rest until breathing and heart rate slow down. (45 sec – 2 min)
4. Repeat 5-15 times.

Courtesy of “Death by Prowler” (on Starting Strength).

Compare to 2024.02.12.

Option 2
Bike/Row for 9 rounds:
1 min on
1 min off

Record distance for each round.

Compare to 2024.01.22.

Option 3
10 rounds:
25 yd yoke carry
Rest 1 minute

10 rounds:
30 yd yoke carry (15 yd down-back)
Rest 1 minute

Compare to 2023.12.25.

Option 4
10 x 50 ft farmer carry
Each carry is 25 ft down and 25 ft back and is for time. Rest 1 minute between carries.

Women: 97# per handle (80# of plates)
Men: 137# per handle (120# of plates)
(Note: Each handle weighs 17#.)

Compare to 2023.12.25.

Inside Testify - January 22, 2024


From our video Fast and Easy Barbell Math Tricks to Save You from Misloading the Barbell! (click the title to watch):

Michael Flanagan
I was given a weight set now the only way I can tell if the barbell and how much it weighs is I get on the scale right the way down then I use the barbell with my weight is that the best way to tell how much it weighs there's no numbers on it

Man, I can’t tell if this is very funny (if you’re joking :-)), or if it’s very unfortunate.


No Deadlift Jack? THREE Tips for Loading Your Deadlift SUPER Easy
Struggling to load your deadlift? Deadlift jacks can be pricey, so here are three tips to make loading your deadlift super easy without any special equipment. Click here to watch.


The BEST Squat Accessory Ever?!
How can one simple object fix your knee position, your hip position, AND your back angle? Phil explains. Click here to read.


Blast from the Past: Improve Your Deadlift by FIXING This Problem!
Does the bar move forward or swing away from you when you deadlift? Add pounds to your deadlift by solving this problem. We give you a few tips to fix this issue. Click here to watch.


Blast from the Past: Lifting Shoes: What and Why
What features should you be looking for in a lifting shoe, why do these features help, and what shoes should you NOT get? Click here to read.


Looking to train in style and comfort this winter? Get yourself a Testify hoodie - in practically any color! Get yours today and represent your favorite gym.

Click here to head to the Testify Store.


Below are a few of our upcoming events, and you can find out what else is on the calendar by heading to our events page at

Women's Strength Class

  • 6-week class, starts on February 6th

  • Are you interested in learning to lift correctly, getting stronger, and making great friends in the process? If so, come join Starting Strength Coach Barb Mueller and get started on your journey of strength!

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm

  • NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! Open to all women who want to get strong!

  • Click here to register.

Free Intro to Squat Session

  • February 17, 2024

  • Are you interested in getting stronger? Book your free "Intro to Squat" session and learn to squat, meet some of our coaches, and see the gym! All ages and abilities are welcome.

  • Click here to book your session.

Starting Strength Self-Sufficient Lifter Camp

  • May 18, 2024

  • Spend the day learning the Squat, Press, and Deadlift and how to self-evaluate your lifts while training in your garage or commercial gym without a coach.

  • Click here to register or for more information.


Option 1
Sled Pyramid – 4, 5, or 6 tiers
Go up and down a 4, 5, or 6 tier “sled pyramid” – rest as needed. The distance for each round is 80 m indoors (a down-back on the 40m course) or 200 ft outdoors (2 down-backs on the 50 ft course). Rest as needed.

For example, Bob does the following (4 tiers):
Round 1: Empty sled
Round 2: 25#
Round 3: 50#
Round 4: 75#
Round 5: 50#
Round 6: 25#
Round 7: Empty sled

Compare to 2023.11.20.

Option 2
Bike/Row for 9 rounds:
1 min on
1 min off

Record distance for each round.

Compare to 2023.10.30.

Option 3
10 rounds:
25 yd yoke carry
Rest 1 minute

10 rounds:
30 yd yoke carry (15 yd down-back)
Rest 1 minute

Compare to 2023.10.02.

Option 4
10 x 50 ft farmer carry
Each carry is 25 ft down and 25 ft back and is for time. Rest 1 minute between carries.

Women: 97# per handle (80# of plates)
Men: 137# per handle (120# of plates)
(Note: Each handle weighs 17#.)

Compare to 2023.10.02.