Testify Today - March 3, 2025


From our video Top 10 Bench Press Mistakes (Get a Bigger Bench NOW) (click the title to watch):

Colt McCormick
Really appreciate #10 and help with the unracking process!

Glad to hear it, Colt!


Interested in getting stronger working one-on-one remotely with us? Click here to book your free strategy session.

Get Stronger. Live Better. Start Today.


Top 10 Bench Press Mistakes
Phil covers 10 common bench press mistakes as well as how to fix them so you can get a bigger, stronger bench. Click here to watch.


6 Tips to Load a Barbell for Deadlifts EASILY!
We give you 6 simple tips and tricks to make loading the barbell for your deadlifts easier and faster. Click here to read.


Blast from the Past: I Failed My Bench Press! (Stop Making This Mistake)
In less than two minutes, we discuss and demonstrate a common mistake that might be causing you to fail your bench press, and we also cover how to fix it. This is the fifth video in our series of Saturday Shorts on fixing the bench. Click here to watch.


Blast from the Past: Fix Your Press - Part 4: Correct Your TERRIBLE Elbows
Phil discusses the common mistake of poor elbow positioning when pressing as well as how to fix it. Click here to read.


Baseball season is coming up, so represent your favorite team - well, gym - in style!

PLUS - you get four different options to choose from!

Click here to head to the Testify Store.


Below is one of our upcoming events, and you can find out what else is on the calendar by heading to our events page at www.testifysc.com/events.

Testify Strengthlifting Challenge

  • April 12, 2025

  • The annual Testify Strengthlifting Challenge is back, and we invite you to be a part of it! This is a strengthlifting meet, which means the contested lifts will be the squat, press, and deadlift.

  • Click here to register or for more information.

Testify Mystery Event!

  • March 21, 2025

  • We’re having a Testify Mystery Event on Friday, 03/21/25, and if you’re reading this, you’re invited! We’ll be putting out more information on this in the coming days and weeks, so be sure to check our Instagram, Facebook, or our events page (link below) for updates.

  • Click here for more information . . . when it’s available! Any guesses?


Option 1
“Prowler Base+1”
1. Load up a manageable weight.
2. Sprint 40m at 85% intensity.
3. Rest 30 sec.
4. Repeat 5-15 times.

Courtesy of “Death by Prowler” (on Starting Strength).

Compare to 2024.12.30.

Option 2
12 min TT

Score = distance

Compare to 2024.12.09.

Option 3
5-10 rounds of:
30 sec ME tire flips
30 sec rest

Compare to 2024.11.11.

Option 4
For time:
500m row
5 x 80m sled push (200 ft if indoors)
500m row

Rest 1 minute after the first row and after each sled push.

Compare to 2024.11.11.

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better!

Whenever you want even more Testify in your life, here are some free resources:

  • Book a free intro and strategy session with us HERE.

  • Pick up a free copy of Testify’s Squat Guide: 12 Tips to Improve Your Squat Now HERE.

  • Get our free weekly email - containing useful videos, articles, and training tips - HERE.

  • Follow Testify on Instagram HERE.

  • Subscribe to Testify’s YouTube channel HERE.

The Testify Star-Advertiser - January 13, 2025


From our video Top 8 Squat Myths (click the title to watch):

Chad MacPherson
In your opinion is there a single shoe for squats, dead’s, presses, and cleans? Looking for any help from people with more experience than me. Thanks, and have a great rest of your day. Oh, you also have a new sub!!

Chad, I currently wear the Nike Romaleo 2, and I've worn these for years (since 2016 or 2017, I believe). They're great for all lifts - squat, deadlift, press, snatch, clean, etc., and the only thing I've had repaired on them was the velcro (it had simply worn out and wasn't closing as effectively last year).

However, the model 2 went out of production a while back, and Nike is currently on the 4th edition (which is generally considered a better shoe than the 3rd edition anyway). We have a number of lifters with the 4 (including my wife, who also trained in the 2 for many years), and it's a great shoe as well. If I had to buy a new pair of shoes tomorrow to replace mine, I'd go with the Nike Romaleo 4: https://amzn.to/3LAYn8d

With that said, here are a couple other solid options:

VS Athletics: https://amzn.to/3LGoYB6
(This is my back-up pair as we have an extra pair of these at the gym. They only come in black, but I liked training in them)

Inov-8 Fastlift 360: https://amzn.to/3xIoXGZ

Adidas Adipower 3: https://amzn.to/3WbFVJk
(Adidas are often considered to run a bit narrow, so we have lifters who like these, but they're not a good option for me.)

Do-Win: https://www.roguefitness.com/dowin-weightlifting-shoes-black-white
This is very similar to the VS Athletics shoe (I'm reasonably sure they contract with the same company to manufacture the sole).

Hope this is useful!

Chad MacPherson
Thank you for taking time to answer my question. Appreciate you, and all of the options you gave me.

You’re very welcome!


Interested in getting stronger working one-on-one remotely with us? Click here to book your free strategy session.

Get Stronger. Live Better. Start today.


Top 8 Squat Myths
More people than ever are learning that the squat is important for getting stronger. However, as popularity increases, so do the number of myths surrounding this movement. Phil puts this nonsense to bed. Click here to watch.


Pulling Blocks: What, Why, and DIY vs. Commercial (Which Should YOU Use?)
What are pulling blocks, why are they useful, what are some options, and should you buy them or make them yourself? Click here to read.


Blast from the Past: Use This Grip for a BIGGER Bench Press and Press!
What is a compression grip, and why should you use it for the bench press and the press? Phil explains in the first video in our series on the correct grip for each lift. Click here to watch.


Blast from the Past: The 9th Circle of Deadlift Hell: The Drifting Barbell
“…a bar that swings away from you betrays that relationship and makes for a much harder deadlift, so if you’re struggling to escape this 9th circle of deadlift hell, try out one of…” Click here to read.


Represent your favorite gym - even when it's cold outside!

And, it gets better - you can choose your beanie from EIGHT different colors!

Click here to head to the Testify Store.


Below is one of our upcoming events, and you can find out what else is on the calendar by heading to our events page at www.testifysc.com/events.

Testify Strengthlifting Challenge

  • April 12, 2025

  • The annual Testify Strengthlifting Challenge is back, and we invite you to be a part of it! This is a strengthlifting meet, which means the contested lifts will be the squat, press, and deadlift.

  • Click here to register or for more information.


Option 1
10 rounds of:
Push sled 100 ft
Pull sled 100 ft (hand over hand)

20 rounds of:
Push sled 50 ft
Pull sled 50 ft (hand over hand)

Compare to 2024.11.11.

Option 2
4 x 3 minutes

Rest 3 minutes between each round. Score = lowest distance.

Compare to 2024.10.21.

Option 3
5-10 rounds of:
30 sec ME tire flips
30 sec rest

Compare to 2024.09.23.

Option 4
1. 5 yoke carries @ 30 yd (15 yd downback) – work up to heaviest carry
2. 5 rounds of 5 reps on the axle “clean and press away” – work up to heavy set of 5

Compare to 2024.09.23.

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better!

Whenever you want even more Testify in your life, here are some free resources:

  • Book a free intro and strategy session with us HERE.

  • Pick up a free copy of Testify’s Squat Guide: 12 Tips to Improve Your Squat Now HERE.

  • Get our free weekly email - containing useful videos, articles, and training tips - HERE.

  • Follow Testify on Instagram HERE.

  • Subscribe to Testify’s YouTube channel HERE.

The Testify Ledger - December 9, 2024


From our video DIY Strongman Deadlift Tires! (click the title to watch):

Andrew Hoover
Would a 5 lb plate be too fragile?

That's a good question, and I don't know. We had more extra tens than fives, and to your point, it's entirely possible that a five could be questionable in terms of durability.


Want to get stronger working remotely with one of our Starting Strength Coaches? Click here to contact us and learn more.

Get Stronger. Live Better. Start today.


The #1 Rule for Strength Training
What's the most important thing in strength training? It might not be what you think it is. Click here to watch.


The Pause Squat: What, How, and Why
What are pause squats, how do you perform them, and why might a lifter do them? We cover it all in this short article. Click here to read.


Blast from the Past: Gym Equipment: How to EASILY Move Stall Mats!
The classic rubber horse stall mat is extremely useful. It's also a pain to move . . . or is it? Phil shows how to easily move a stall mat with just one person and without any special tools. Click here to watch.


Blast from the Past: Stop Using Your Hands to Catch Your Cleans!
If your wrists and elbows despise you when you clean, you need to stop using your hands to rack your cleans. We cover why and how the shoulders catch the clean - not the hands. Click here to read.


Represent your favorite gym and keep the sun out of your eyes in style with this cap.

Click here to head to the Testify Store.


Reminder: Testify members! Don't forget - the annual Testify Christmas Party is on Saturday, December 14, and it will begin immediately following the end of the Barbell Blizzard. We'll be running this year's party in an appetizer/potluck fashion, so bring an appetizer to pass around and something to drink, wear something outlandishly Christmasy, and let the festivities begin!

We're guessing a start time of around 5:00 p.m., but if you're not participating in the Barbell Blizzard, your best bet is probably to show up earlier than that, cheer on your fellow lifters at the Barbell Blizzard, and then we'll segue right into the party (tableware provided by Testify).

Below is the information for the upcoming Barbell Blizzard, and you can always find out what else is on the calendar by heading to our events page at www.testifysc.com/events.

Barbell Blizzard! A Winter Wonderland of Weights

  • December 14, 2024

  • Barbell Blizzard is a team strength meet wherein the contested lifts will be the squat, press, bench press, and deadlift. Competitors will form teams of 2-4 lifters/team and perform all 4 lifts; each lifter will receive 3 attempts for each lift.

  • Click here to register or for more information.


Option 1
10 rounds of:
Push sled 100 ft
Pull sled 100 ft (hand over hand)

20 rounds of:
Push sled 50 ft
Pull sled 50 ft (hand over hand)

Compare to 2024.10.07.

Option 2
12 min TT

Score = distance

Compare to 2024.09.16.

Option 3
5-10 rounds of:
30 sec ME tire flips
30 sec rest

Compare to 2024.08.19.

Option 4
Set yoke at #33 for women or #35 for men.
1. 1 minute AMRAP
2. 5 rounds of 2 reps every 2 minutes (speed!)
3. 1 minute AMRAP

Female under 40 years
140 lbs and under: 75 lbs
140.1 lbs – 185 lbs: 100 lbs
185.1 lbs and over: 150 lbs

Female 40 years and over
140 lbs and under: 50 lbs
185 lbs and under: 75 lbs
185.1 lbs and over: 100 lbs

Male under 40 years
185 lbs and under: 150 lbs
185.1 lbs – 235 lbs: 200 lbs
235.1 lbs and over: 250 lbs

Male 40 years and over
185 lbs and under: 100 lbs
185.1 lbs – 235 lbs: 150 lbs
235.1 lbs and over: 200 lbs

Compare to 2024.08.19.

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better!

The Testify Morning News - November 11, 2024


From our video How to Load & Unload the Barbell for the Deadlift (in less than 3 minutes!) (click the title to watch):

B Sykes Beats
Wow the fish hook is a great design, so much more convenient than the clunky deadlift jack

I certainly can't take credit for the design, but it is indeed a pretty great design!


Want to get stronger working remotely with one of our Starting Strength Coaches? Click here to contact us and learn more.

Get Stronger. Live Better. Start today.


4 Ways You're Using Your Wrist Wraps Wrong
How should you use your wrist wraps? There are a number of mistakes lifters make without knowing it. We address 4 common errors as well as how to fix them. Click here to watch.


Get a Bigger Squat Now with 3 Simple Tips
Phil covers 3 easy and quick ways to improve your squat and start setting new PRs right now. Click here to read.


Blast from the Past: Starting Strength Squat/Low Bar Squat | Fix Your STANCE!
Is your crazy stance ruining your squat? Too narrow? Too wide? In this video - our 5th in a series of Saturday Shorts on fixing the squat - Phil and Mike quickly discuss and demonstrate how to solve this problem. Click here to watch.


Blast from the Past: How to Easily Build a Lifting Platform (and the EASIEST way to cut stall mats)
We show you how to easily build a lifting platform as well as how to quickly and easily cut horse stall mats for your platform without using a utility knife! Click here to read.


Why do you train? Because getting stronger makes everything else easier. Get stronger. Live better. “Testify” to this message and represent your favorite gym with this shirt in several color options.

Click here to head to the Testify Store.


Below are a few of our upcoming events, and you can always find out what else is on the calendar by heading to our events page at www.testifysc.com/events.

Benching Bonanza! The Annual Testify Bench Press Jubilee

  • November 22, 2024

  • Benching Bonanza is a strength meet wherein the only contested lift is - you guessed it - the bench press. There will be one bar, and the meet will be conducted in a "rising bar" format, so the weight on the bar only goes up! It'll be a ton of fun, so come on out!

  • Click here to register or for more information.

Barbell Blizzard! A Winter Wonderland of Weights

  • December 14, 2024

  • Barbell Blizzard is a team strength meet wherein the contested lifts will be the squat, press, bench press, and deadlift. Competitors will form teams of 2-4 lifters/team and perform all 4 lifts; each lifter will receive 3 attempts for each lift.

  • Click here to register or for more information.


Option 1
10 rounds of:
Push sled 100 ft
Pull sled 100 ft (hand over hand)

20 rounds of:
Push sled 50 ft
Pull sled 50 ft (hand over hand)

Compare to 2024.09.09.

Option 2
5 min on
4 min off
4 min on
3 min off
3 min on
2 min off
2 min on
1 min off
1 min on

Record distance for each interval and add for total distance.

Compare to 2024.08.19.

Option 3
5-10 rounds of:
30 sec ME tire flips
30 sec rest

Compare to 2024.07.22.

Option 4
For time:
500m row
5 x 80m sled push (200 ft if indoors)
500m row

Rest 1 minute after the first row and after each sled push.

Compare to 2024.07.22.

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better!

Testify Gazette - September 23, 2024


From our video "What I find horrifying, even more than death..." (click the title to watch):

I've shared this very, very important message, via this video, with others. Thank you.

That’s great to hear, and thank you as well.


Want to get stronger working remotely with one of our Starting Strength Coaches? Click here to contact us and learn more.

Get Stronger. Live Better. Start today.


Shorter Workouts! | More Gains in Less Time
You want to get strong, but you don't have all day to spend in the gym. What do you do? Click here to watch.


The ONE Thing Fitness Magazines WON'T Tell You About the Squat
There is ONE thing that fitness magazines and other "experts" will never tell you to do when squatting, and it's the one thing that will make your squat better. Click here to read.


Blast from the Past: Starting Strength Squat/Low Bar Squat | Fix Your AWFUL BACK!
Is your awful back wreaking havoc on your squat? In this video - our first in a series of Saturday Shorts on fixing the squat - we quickly discuss and demonstrate how to solve this problem. Click here to watch.


Blast from the Past: The Pin Squat: What, How, and Why
What are pin squats, how do you perform them, and why might a lifter do them? Phil explains. Click here to read.


Why do you train? Because getting stronger makes everything else easier. Get stronger. Live better. “Testify” to this message and represent your favorite gym with this shirt in several color options.

Click here to head to the Testify Store.


Below are a few of our upcoming events, and you can find out what else is on the calendar by heading to our events page at www.testifysc.com/events.

Kickstart Your Strength!

  • Are you interested in getting stronger? Book your "Kickstart Your Strength!" session for Friday, October 4th.

  • Talk with a coach about your fitness goals, see what getting stronger looks like at Testify, and learn to deadlift simply and safely.

  • Click here to register or for more information.

Testify Fall Classic

  • October 26, 2024

  • The annual Testify Fall Classic is back, and we invite you to be a part of it! This is a strengthlifting meet, which means the contested lifts will be the squat, press, and deadlift.

  • Click here to register or for more information.

Barbell Blizzard! A Winter Wonderland of Weights

  • December 14, 2024

  • Barbell Blizzard is a team strength meet wherein the contested lifts will be the squat, press, bench press, and deadlift. Competitors will form teams of 2-4 lifters/team and perform all 4 lifts; each lifter will receive 3 attempts for each lift.

  • Click here to register or for more information.


Option 1
10 rounds of:
Push sled 100 ft
Pull sled 100 ft (hand over hand)

20 rounds of:
Push sled 50 ft
Pull sled 50 ft (hand over hand)

Compare to 2024.07.22.

Option 2
3 rounds of:
8 x 20 sec on/40 sec off
Rest 3 min between rounds

Score = lowest distance

Compare to 2024.07.01.

Option 3
5-10 rounds of:
30 sec ME tire flips
30 sec rest

Compare to 2024.06.03.

Option 4
1. 5 yoke carries @ 30 yd (15 yd downback) – work up to heaviest carry
2. 5 rounds of 5 reps on the axle “clean and press away” – work up to heavy set of 5

Compare to 2024.06.03.

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better!

Testify Review - August 19, 2024


From our video The Rules of Olympic Weightlifting - How to Avoid Red Lights! (click the title to watch):

me frantically watching this so i can explain to my whole family why our country just got the red lights 😭

Hope it helped!

lol BRONZE 🥉🇹🇼. I'll see you in 4 years


Want to get stronger working remotely with one of our Starting Strength Coaches? Click here to contact us and learn more.

Get Stronger. Live Better. Start today.


4 MISTAKES Beginners Make that Experienced Lifters NEVER Do (plus a bonus tip)
Beginner lifters make these 4 mistakes in the squat, press, deadlift, and bench press. We explain and cover how to successfully fix them. Click here to watch.


Your Most Important Piece of Training Gear - Part 2 (Lifting Gear Series)
We discuss how to effectively and efficiently use your most important piece of equipment - the training log. This is the 7th article in our "Lifting Gear" series and is Part 2 of the "Training Log" mini-series. Click here to read.


Blast from the Past: Power Clean vs Split Clean vs Squat Clean: Which One is BEST?
There are 3 different landing positions for the clean, and each has its own advantages. Barb and Phil explain as Becky demonstrates these 3 different cleans. Click here to watch.


Blast from the Past: The Deadlift: You're Doing This Wrong - Part 5
There is ONE correct way to grip the bar in the deadlift, and it's probably not what you think. In the 5th article in our series on fixing the deadlift, Phil explains what's up. Click here to read.


Why do you train? Because getting stronger makes everything else easier. Get stronger. Live better. “Testify” to this message and represent your favorite gym with this shirt in several color options.

Click here to head to the Testify Store.


Below are a few of our upcoming events, and you can find out what else is on the calendar by heading to our events page at www.testifysc.com/events.

Deadapalooza! The Annual Testify Deadlift Festival

  • August 23, 2024

  • Deadapalooza is a strength meet wherein the only contested lift is - you guessed it - the deadlift. There will be one bar (possibly multiple bars if numbers dictate), and the meet will be conducted in a "rising bar" format, so the weight on the bar only goes up! It's a ton of fun, so come on out!

  • Click here to register or for more information.

Minneapolis, MN: Starting Strength Squat & Deadlift Camp

  • August 31, 2024

  • Spend the day learning the theory and practice of the low bar back squat and the deadlift.

  • Participants will spend lots of time on the platform receiving coaching and instruction on the squat and deadlift in a small group setting. We will also have a lecture and discussion on programming and cover how to identify and correct common technical problems.

  • Click here to register or for more information.

Starting Strength Self-Sufficient Lifter Camp

  • September 28, 2024

  • Spend the day learning the Squat, Press, and Deadlift and how to self-evaluate your lifts while training in your garage or commercial gym without a coach.

  • Click here to register or for more information.


Option 1
“Prowler Base”
1. Load up a manageable weight.
2. Sprint 40m at 85% intensity.
3. Rest until breathing and heart rate slow down. (45 sec – 2 min)
4. Repeat 5-15 times.

Courtesy of “Death by Prowler” (on Starting Strength).

Compare to 2024.06.17.

Option 2
5 min on
4 min off
4 min on
3 min off
3 min on
2 min off
2 min on
1 min off
1 min on

Record distance for each interval and add for total distance.

Compare to 2024.05.27.

Option 3
5-10 rounds of:
30 sec ME tire flips
30 sec rest

Compare to 2024.04.29.

Option 4
Set yoke at #33 for women or #35 for men.
1. 1 minute AMRAP
2. 5 rounds of 2 reps every 2 minutes (speed!)
3. 1 minute AMRAP

Female under 40 years
140 lbs and under: 75 lbs
140.1 lbs – 185 lbs: 100 lbs
185.1 lbs and over: 150 lbs

Female 40 years and over
140 lbs and under: 50 lbs
185 lbs and under: 75 lbs
185.1 lbs and over: 100 lbs

Male under 40 years
185 lbs and under: 150 lbs
185.1 lbs – 235 lbs: 200 lbs
235.1 lbs and over: 250 lbs

Male 40 years and over
185 lbs and under: 100 lbs
185.1 lbs – 235 lbs: 150 lbs
235.1 lbs and over: 200 lbs

Compare to 2024.04.29.

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better!