To Stand Up . . . Stay Leaned Over!

(This is a Blast from the Past article originally posted on 09/10/21.)

I had a conversation this week with one of our members after his last set of squats that went something like this:

  • Me: “That last rep was spot on.”

  • Member: “Yeah, that rep was so much easier since I stayed leaned over longer on the way up. It’s so strange how that works, and I sometimes just forget it.”

  • Me: “Yep, it can be counterintuitive, but you have to stay leaned over to make standing up easier.”

This conversation illustrates a common problem with newer and even experienced lifters, which is that of trying to raise the chest prematurely when coming up out of the hole on the squat. In other words, they try to make their back angle more vertical right away on the ascent. We sometimes refer to this problem as “not staying in your hips,” and today, we’re going to solve this issue.

Remember, during the ascent of the squat, your back angle will eventually become more vertical - after all, we finish the squat in an upright (i.e., vertical) position. However, if you try to make it vertical too soon, it makes for a slower, more difficult squat. To avoid this problem, we cue people to “drive the hips” or “stay in your hips” as they come up out of the hole (very often, this cue is reduced to simply “Hips!”).

With that being said, if these cues don’t work for you and you still find yourself raising your chest too soon on your ascent, try one of the following cues as you drive up out of the bottom of the squat:

  1. “Stay in your lean.” 

  2. “Stay leaned over.”

With these cues, you are reminding yourself to preserve your back angle - to preserve that leaned-over position - for longer than you think on the way up. You’re not telling yourself to become more leaned over - you’re just trying to keep your back angle relatively constant as you start to ascend. 

Don’t worry - you will eventually raise your chest as you continue to ascend, and it will happen without you thinking about it.  We just don’t want it to happen immediately, and these cues may just help you accomplish this.

We hope this helps you get stronger and live better!

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You're (Probably) Destroying Your Squat . . . Before You Even Start.

Is your soft, sloppy unrack destroying your squat before you even start the first rep? Let's find out.

At Testify, we offer small group training, private coaching (in-person or remotely via Zoom), online coaching, and form checks. Click the button below to get quality coaching from a Starting Strength Coach and start getting stronger TODAY.

Is Your Squat Stuck? It's Not Why You Think.

Does your squat have a weird sticking point, and you just can't figure it out? Let's fix it fast.

At Testify, we offer small group training, private coaching (in-person or remotely via Zoom), online coaching, and form checks. Click the button below to get quality coaching from a Starting Strength Coach and start getting stronger TODAY.

Stop Destroying Your Squat - Do THIS Instead

A common problem in the squat is raising the chest early during the ascent. Raising the chest early simply means that you’re making your torso or back angle too vertical too soon when coming out of the hole on the squat. Let’s fix this.

Typically, when addressing this issue, we simply cue you to “drive your hips.” You drive your hips up, and everything else goes up as well. However, if that's not working and you’re still raising your chest too soon, try this cue: “Stay in your lean.”

Julie will maintain this back angle - this leaned over position - as she drives up out of the hole.

In other words, stay in that leaned over position that you achieved during the descent. When you initiated your squat, you reached back with your hips, you shoved your knees apart, and you pointed your chest at the floor. Simply put, you leaned over, so stay in that leaned over position a little longer than you think you should on the way back up out of the hole.

Now, of course, your torso will eventually become more vertical - we do finish the lift in a standing up position, of course. The key is that you don’t try to make it get vertical right away. Stay in your lean.

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better.

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Squat Fact: Look Up to Go Up!

When you squat, you've got to look up to go up, right?! Or do you? Phil talks about the merits - or rather, the lack thereof - of looking up when you squat and gives you a better option.

(This is a Blast from the Past video originally published on 12/27/21.)

At Testify, we offer small group training, private coaching (in-person or remotely via Zoom), online coaching, and form checks. Click the button below to get quality coaching from a Starting Strength Coach and start getting stronger TODAY.

Squat Mistakes Every New Lifter Makes

You're trying to squat correctly, but this happens. Here's what to do about it.

At Testify, we offer small group training, private coaching (in-person or remotely via Zoom), online coaching, and form checks. Click the button below to get quality coaching from a Starting Strength Coach and start getting stronger TODAY.