Fix Your Press - Part 6: Get Your Eyeballs FIXED!

(This is the sixth article in our series on helping you improve your press. Today’s topic - the focal point. In this article, you’ll also find a couple of videos related to today’s topic.)

Eyeballs are extremely useful body parts, so make sure you use yours effectively when pressing.

When it comes to your focal point when pressing, here’s the major takeaway - have one. The focal point will be at eye level directly in front of you, so simply pick something on the wall in front of you at the appropriate height and stare at it.

Stare at it before your first rep, stare at it during every single rep, and you’re even going to stare at it between reps - there is no need to introduce a new variable into your lifting by looking somewhere else between each rep. When you’re done with your set, keep staring at that same focal point, walk forward until the bar hits the uprights, and then rack the bar.

Now that you’re done pressing, you can look anywhere you want.

Your focal point plays a big role in balance, and while balance is important in every lift, it’s especially important in the press because - among other things - the bar starts and finishes so far away from your balance point (i.e., the middle of your foot). Consequently, you want to have a focal point, and you want to stare at it with unwavering conviction until you’re done with your press.

As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better.

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