Easy Setup for Deadlift, Snatch, & Clean
/Whether you’re deadlifting, cleaning, or snatching, we’d like a setup process that is as simple, efficient, and consistent as possible. With that in mind, we’re going to take the 5-step deadlift setup process and quickly learn how to apply it - with very minor modifications - to the clean and the snatch.
Let’s briefly recap the 5-step deadlift process, and for a more detailed treatment, you can watch the included video.
Step 1: Stance
The stance is narrow (heels about hip width apart), your shins are one inch from the bar, which places the bar over the middle of your foot, and your toes are pointed out slightly (roughly 10-15 degrees).
Step 2: Grip
Bend over and take your grip on the bar. Your grip is relatively narrow - just outside the legs. Don’t let your shins touch the bar during this step, and DO NOT move the bar (i.e., don’t let the bar roll forward or backward at all).
tyler demonstrates the deadlift start position and is ready to pull.
Step 3: Shins
Bend your knees slightly until your shins touch the bar (this means your hips should drop, but only a bit). Also, shove your knees out slightly - your knees should touch the insides of your arms. Again, do not move the bar.
Step 4: Chest
Squeeze your chest up to set your back in rigid, flat extension. Your hips DO NOT drop during this step, and you still DO NOT move the bar.
Step 5: Pull
Pushing the floor away from you with your legs, drag the bar up your legs until you’ve locked out the bar at the top of the lift.
Moving on to the clean, there are two small changes. Step 1 (stance) is the same, and we then encounter the first change in Step 2 (grip): your grip for the clean is one hand-width wider than it was for the deadlift.
maddie demonstrates the start position for the clean.
Step 3 (shins) brings about the other small change. You still bring your shins to the bar by bending your knees slightly, but since your grip is a bit wider, you also shove your knees out a little more than you did in the deadlift so that the knees still touch the insides of your arms.
After this, you then move on to Step 4 (chest) and Step 5 (pull).
Moving on to the snatch, we have three changes. The first change shows up right away in Step 1 (stance): point your toes out wider than they were in the deadlift and clean - roughly 30 degrees (you’ll see the reason for this shortly).
The second change arrives in Step 2 (grip): your grip is significantly wider than it was in the deadlift or the clean. It should be wide enough that the bar hangs at the crease of your hips when you are holding the bar with straight arms in a completely upright (i.e., standing) position.
becky demonstrates the start position for the snatch.