Week 2019.12.16


3rd annual Testify Christmas Party

  • Date: Saturday, 12/21/19, from 6 pm - 9 pm

  • Location: Testify Strength & Conditioning

  • Theme: Ugly Christmas Sweater, of course!

  • Other Information: We’ll provide plates, cutlery, napkins, and cups, and there is a sign-up sheet you can fill out by clicking here to bring either a main dish, side dish, or a dessert.  Beyond that, it’s BYOB, and we’ll see you there!

Holiday Hours

As Christmas and the New Year are coming soon, here are the hours for the holidays (you can also find them under the “More Information > Location and Hours” option in the menu):

Christmas Week (2019)
Tuesday, 12/24/19: Regular morning hours; closed in the afternoon/evening
Wednesday, 12/25/19: Closed
Thursday, 12/26/19: Closed in the morning; regular afternoon/evening hours

New Year’s Week (2019-2020)
Tuesday, 12/31/19: Regular morning hours; closed in the afternoon/evening
Wednesday, 01/01/20: Closed
Thursday, 01/02/20: Closed in the morning; regular afternoon/evening hours

This Week’s Conditioning

Option 1
Sled Pyramid – 4, 5, or 6 tiers
Go up and down a 4, 5, or 6 tier “sled pyramid” – rest as needed. The distance for each round is 80 m (a down-back on the 40m course). Rest as needed.

For example, Bob does the following (4 tiers):
Round 1: Empty sled
Round 2: 25#
Round 3: 50#
Round 4: 75#
Round 5: 50#
Round 6: 25#
Round 7: Empty sled

Compare to 2019.11.04.

Option 2
5 min on
4 min off
4 min on
3 min off
3 min on
2 min off
2 min on
1 min off
1 min on

Record distance for each interval and add for total distance.

Compare to 2019.10.21.

Option 3
5-10 rounds:
50 ft yoke carry
50 ft yoke push
100 ft sandbag carry and S.O.B. (sandbag-over-bar)

Perform 1 round every 2-3 minutes.

Option 4
1. 5 yoke carries @ 30 yd (15 yd downback) – work up to heaviest carry
2. 5 rounds of 5 reps on the axle “clean and press away” – work up to heavy set of 5

Compare to 2019.09.16.