Lifters' Corner: Details on the New Digs


In light of the recent move (and once again, a huge thank you goes to everyone that helped!) and all the changes that come with it, we thought it might be useful to put out a few notes regarding the new digs . . .

  • There are 3 restrooms, and they are all unisex. The two west restrooms have showers while the east restroom does not.

  • Speaking of showers, you’ll want to bring your own supplies for showering . . . towel, soap, shampoo, loofah - the usual suspects. Also, please dry off IN the shower.

  • Whenever possible, please perform “bumper plate lifts” on the west side of the gym (i.e., the side with all the bumper plates).

  • As we would like to build and maintain great relationships with our neighbors, please avoid parking in front of Nature’s Helper.

  • Don’t forget to get spotters for last warm-ups as well as work sets on the squat and bench. Safety goes a long way toward getting stronger.

  • The leather lifting belts are located on the east side of the gym by the cubby room, and the velcro belts are located on the west side of the gym by the deadlift platforms.

  • If you’re typically a creature of habit like me but are feeling a little wild and crazy, try picking a platform you don’t typically use and lift on it every now and then. It’s good for the soul, and you won’t be thrown off when your usual platform is in use. Perhaps most importantly, you’ll show that newcomer - like you used to be - that we’re not a very territorial bunch, so that they hopefully feel welcome to come in, lift, and get stronger wherever they want. Y’all create the atmosphere.

  • The concrete floor will eventually be covered by a sweet looking, black rubber floor. We don’t know exactly when that’s coming down the pipe, but we hope to keep the installation process from interrupting our training hours as much as possible. 

  • The new flooring will bring about some welcome changes, such as the installation of three new platforms and two new squat racks, but in the meantime - as I’m sure many of you have noticed - there are some items of gym equipment that currently sit in temporary locations (the barbells come to mind). Please bear with us - we will endeavor to improve these types of situations as soon as possible.

  • Perhaps most importantly, the PR bell is located midway between the entrance and the cubby room!