The Snatch: Landing Positions
/Joy performs a power snatch.
(This article is a Blast from the Past article originally posted on 05/21/21.)
There are three landing positions for the snatch, and each has its own advantages. Let’s briefly cover them here:
Landing Position: Partial squat (i.e., partial-depth overhead squat)
Advantage: The power snatch is the simplest to learn as your feet do not travel far from their original pulling position. It also doesn’t require learning how to perform the overhead squat as in the . . .
Joy performs a snatch.
SNATCH (AKA full snatch or squat snatch)
Landing Position: Overhead squat (i.e., full-depth overhead squat)
Advantage: Of the three landing positions, the full snatch allows lifters to lift the heaviest weights as this lower receiving position means the bar doesn’t have to be lifted as high before catching it.
Joy performs a split snatch.