Saturday 2016.09.03 - IronFest II

Let the lifting begin! IronFest II starts today at 2:00 p.m., and afterward, we are headed to Ebe’s house (click here for address and map) for post-lifting eating and festivities. Come on out for a great time!Also, just a reminder - please note that the gym will be closed this morning due to IronFest II, and it will also be closed on Monday (09/05/16) in observance of Labor Day.

Friday 2016.09.02

Don’t forget – IronFest II starts tomorrow afternoon (Saturday, 09/03/16) at 2:00 p.m., and afterward, we are headed to Ebe’s house (click here for address and map) for post-lifting eating and festivities. If you are participating in IronFest II, please do not lift today.Also, just a reminder - please note that the gym will be closed on Saturday morning (09/03/16) due to IronFest II, and it will also be closed on Monday (09/05/16) in observance of Labor Day.

@dljardon hits a 111 kg snatch for a PR on his third attempt at the KS State and Open Weightlifting Meet today #PR #weightlifting #bigweights

A video posted by Testify Strength & Cond. (@testifystrengthconditioning) on

Thursday 2016.09.01

Don't forget - IronFest II starts this Saturday afternoon (09/03/16) at 2:00 p.m., and afterward, we are headed to Ebe's house for post-lifting eating and festivities. If you are participating in IronFest II, please do not lift on Friday.In other news, please note that the gym will be closed on Saturday morning (09/03/16) due to IronFest II, and it will also be closed on Monday (09/05/16) in observance of Labor Day.

@beckymueller qualifies for University Nationals on her second CJ attempt of the day #boomsauce #weightlifting #startingstrength

A photo posted by Testify Strength & Cond. (@testifystrengthconditioning) on

Conditioning2 rounds AMReAP of:1:00 Thrusters, 95#/65#0:30 Rest1:00 Double-unders (bring a rope!)0:30 Rest1:00 OHS, 95#/65#0:30 Rest1:00 Double-unders0:30 RestCompare to 2015.09.10.FinaleAccumulate 2:00 working on an L-sit or a static handstand.

Wednesday 2016.08.31

Announcement! This Saturday afternoon (09/03/16), we will be holding our second IronFest – thusly dubbed “IronFest II.” Participants will take three attempts at the back squat, three attempts at the press, and three attempts at the deadlift. The heaviest successful attempts in each lift will be added for your IronFest total. The lifting starts at 2:00 p.m., and after lifting some big weights, we’ll be headed to Ebe’s house for some fantastic grilling, chilling, and general revelry. (Please note that since IronFest II takes place in the afternoon, the gym will be closed that morning.)

Tuesday 2016.08.30

Announcement! This Saturday afternoon (09/03/16), we will be holding our second IronFest – thusly dubbed “IronFest II.” Participants will take three attempts at the back squat, three attempts at the press, and three attempts at the deadlift. The heaviest successful attempts in each lift will be added for your IronFest total. The lifting starts at 2:00 p.m., and after lifting some big weights, we’ll be headed to Ebe’s house for some fantastic grilling, chilling, and general revelry. (Please note that since IronFest II takes place in the afternoon, the gym will be closed that morning.)

Monday 2016.08.29

Announcement! This Saturday afternoon (09/03/16), we will be holding our second IronFest – thusly dubbed “IronFest II.” Participants will take three attempts at the back squat, three attempts at the press, and three attempts at the deadlift. The heaviest successful attempts in each lift will be added for your IronFest total. The lifting starts at 2:00 p.m., and after lifting some big weights, we’ll be headed to Ebe’s house for some fantastic grilling, chilling, and general revelry. (Please note that since IronFest II takes place in the afternoon, the gym will be closed that morning.)

ConditioningFor time:21-15-9 KB Swings, 2 pood/1.5 pood42-30-18 Double-Unders (bring a rope!)21-15-9 BurpeesCompare to 2015.08.31.FinaleAccumulate 2:00 working on an L-sit or a static handstand.