Thursday 2016.09.01

Don't forget - IronFest II starts this Saturday afternoon (09/03/16) at 2:00 p.m., and afterward, we are headed to Ebe's house for post-lifting eating and festivities. If you are participating in IronFest II, please do not lift on Friday.In other news, please note that the gym will be closed on Saturday morning (09/03/16) due to IronFest II, and it will also be closed on Monday (09/05/16) in observance of Labor Day.

@beckymueller qualifies for University Nationals on her second CJ attempt of the day #boomsauce #weightlifting #startingstrength

A photo posted by Testify Strength & Cond. (@testifystrengthconditioning) on

Conditioning2 rounds AMReAP of:1:00 Thrusters, 95#/65#0:30 Rest1:00 Double-unders (bring a rope!)0:30 Rest1:00 OHS, 95#/65#0:30 Rest1:00 Double-unders0:30 RestCompare to 2015.09.10.FinaleAccumulate 2:00 working on an L-sit or a static handstand.