How to Unrack the Press: Use Your Legs!
/Figure 1: Becky demonstrates how NOT to unrack the press.
A common problem with new lifters and the press is the act of unracking the press. They will often pick up the bar using their arms and their shoulders - in other words, they’re using their upper bodies to unrack the press, which is inefficient and difficult at heavy weights. Let’s fix this.
When you unrack the bar by incorrectly using your arms and shoulders, it looks like what Becky is demonstrating in Figure 1. Notice how she reaches out, grabs the bar with her arms, and tries to pull it back into position.
Also, note that she has her wrists in pretty severe extension (i.e., they are bent backwards), which we don’t want, and her elbows are behind the bar, which we don’t want either. In addition, it’s simply difficult to pick up a heavy press in this manner.
If this was actually a heavy weight instead of the empty bar, Becky might not be able to unrack it at all in this manner, and even if she did, she’d be in a weak position from which to start pressing.
Remember: When you unrack a press, you unrack it with your legs.
Use the following steps:
1. Take your grip. (Figure 2a)
2. Walk right up the bar - your chest may actually touch the bar. (Figure 2b)
Figure 2a (left) and Figure 2b (right)
3. Squat down far enough that your elbows are slightly in front of the bar and you’ve got relatively straight wrists. (Figure 3a)
4. Stand the bar up with your legs. (Figure 3b)
Figure 3a (left) and Figure 3b (right)
Figure 4
5. Step back and establish your stance. (Figure 4)
Remember - unrack the press with your legs. As always, we hope this helps you get stronger and live better!
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