Mondays are the Worst . . .
/Tony pulls 275 lb for a smooth set of five. NOT on a Monday.
The new year has come and gone, and although you meant to kick everything off with a bang and get after that training, you somehow haven’t gotten it started yet. What to do? No worries, you’ll start training on Monday, right? New week, new start.
Do not do this to yourself. Mondays are the worst. Start on any other day of the week but Monday. Mondays are the worst because people WAIT for Mondays to roll around. “Crap, I didn’t start up my training today like I meant to . . . well, that stinks . . . ok, I’ll start next week. When Monday morning rolls around, you better believe I’m gonna get this party started.”
If this scenario happens, say, on a Wednesday, you have now made the decision to not train on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. In other words, you made the decision to practice the very habit you’re trying to avoid - not training - for the next four days.
Don’t wait for a new week to get a new start. If it’s too late to start today, simply start tomorrow. Strangely enough, the bar weighs the same seven days a week. Don’t wait to get stronger. It doesn’t get any easier to build the habit of training the longer you wait, and it certainly gets easier to put training off the longer you do it. So why wait? Who cares if it’s a Friday or a Saturday? You don’t need to wait until the merry-go-round that we call a week brings Monday back around to you again.
Just get on the ride. Now.