Thursday 2016.10.13

Reminder: Since we are hosting the Starting Strength Seminar this weekend, the gym will be closed on Friday afternoon as well as on Saturday. Still interested in registering for the seminar? Click here.

Ted gets ready for another sled push . . . 37 degrees and 5:45 am. - always good sledding conditions. #sledding #deathbyprowler #deadbysled

A photo posted by Testify Strength & Cond. (@testifystrengthconditioning) on

Conditioning“Prowler Base” (sled)1. Load up a manageable weight.2. Sprint 40m at 85% intensity.3. Rest until breathing and heart rate slow down. (45 sec – 2 min)4. Repeat 5-15 times.Courtesy of “Death by Prowler” by Matt Reynolds and Stef Bradford (on Starting Strength).FinaleL-sit, 5 x 30 sec