Week 2018.07.16

Upcoming events:

  • Cornhusker State Games Powerlifting Meet
    • Date: Saturday, 07/21/18
    • Location: Lincoln Northeast High School (click here for map)
    • Other information: Click here for general information. You will need an AAU membership for this meet, and you must have it at least two days prior to this meet to allow for background checks (click here to get your membership).

This Week's ConditioningOption 1Sled Pyramid – 4, 5, or 6 tiersGo up and down a 4, 5, or 6 tier “sled pyramid” – rest as needed. The distance for each round is 80 m (a down-back on the 40m course). Rest as needed.For example, Bob does the following (4 tiers):Round 1: Empty sledRound 2: 25#Round 3: 50#Round 4: 75#Round 5: 50#Round 6: 25#Round 7: Empty sledOption 25-10 rounds of:30 sec ME tire flips30 sec restCompare to 2018.06.04.Option 3Row 10 x 100mRest 1 min between sprints. Your score is your slowest time.Compare to 2018.05.14.